Friday 29 September 2017

Tcm Forex

I moduli Telit selezionati dal leader di mercato Cartrack per accelerare l'espansione globale 14.022.017 14:00 Business Wire Telit (LSE: TCM) Intraday Grafico Oggi. Martedì 14 Febbraio 2017 Clicca qui per maggiori Telit Charts. Telit moduli cellulari e di posizionamento consentono Cartrack8217s nuova generazione di telematica e dispositivi indossabili per il monitoraggio dei veicoli, la gestione della flotta, il recupero dei veicoli rubati e telematica di assicurazione Telit, (AIM: TCM) un fattore globale di Internet of Things (IoT), ha annunciato oggi che la telematica leader del settore Cartrack Holdings Ltd. (JSE: CTK) ha scelto la tecnologia del modulo cellulare e posizionamento Telit8217s per una nuova generazione di dispositivi di servizio personalizzato e di bordo. Grazie a questa partnership, Cartrack accelererà piani di espansione globale, fornendo servizi telematici avanzati abilitati con moduli da prova di futuro Telit8217s, linea di prodotto certificato a livello globale. Gli analisti di ricerca prevedono una crescita rialzista per l'intero settore della telematica, con un tasso di crescita annuo composto di 29 nel corso dei prossimi cinque anni (PAMPs Ricerca del mercato 2016). Il percorso di sviluppo del mercato internazionale è complesso e può essere difficile per molte aziende che si trovano ad affrontare le barriere di conformità internazionali e diverse offerte dipendenti tecnologie cellulari e basati sulla localizzazione, che sono in continua evoluzione. 8220Given che lo spazio telematico è così sotto penetrato e che Cartrack è in fase di rapida crescita consistente nei nuovi mercati, abbiamo bisogno di una forte e affidabile fornitore di componenti totalmente impegnati a crescere con noi, 8221 disse Zak Calisto, Cartrack, Global CEO. 8220Our decisione di utilizzare i moduli Telit nella tecnologia Cartrack era basata sul miglioramento della connettività e robuste funzionalità location-based nei componenti Telit. Le tecnologie Cartrack consentire ai proprietari di flotte di gestire e ottimizzare le diverse marche di veicoli e sostenere l'evoluzione in corso del nostro portafoglio. Ora, ci sarà anche estendere la portata e soddisfare le richieste di nuove opportunità di mercato, come ad esempio gli Stati Uniti e la Nuova Zealand.8221 La nomina di Telit come fornitore di tecnologia preferito permetterà Cartrack per accelerare l'espansione con l'implementazione di una nuova generazione di dispositivi che sono più piccoli, più ricchi di funzioni e sono internazionalmente certificati con organismi di regolamentazione e operatori cellulari nelle aree geografiche di destinazione company8217s e mercati. Il nuovo a bordo dei veicoli e, dispositivi indossabili personali al centro di Cartrack8217s servizi innovativi offerti integreranno Telit moduli cellulari dal fattore di forma compatto famiglia xE866 così come SL871 o moduli ricevitore posizionamento SE873 multi-costellazione che fornire estese portata in zone difficili. 8220Cartrack, classificato come un primo livello leader nello spazio telematico, sta entrando in un periodo eccitante di espansione e di leadership e siamo orgogliosi di essere stati scelti come partner tecnologico, 8221 detto Tomer Lavie, Telit Vice President, EMEA Sales. 8220We sono impegnati a w IoT cloud-ready, moduli intelligenti caratteristica esclusiva tecnologia x3 SoC processore Intel174 Atom8482 Telit, un fattore globale di Internet of Things (IoT), ha annunciato oggi la disponibilità commerciale globale dei world8217s primi moduli dell'Internet degli oggetti ibridi che combinano 3G Cellular , Wi-Fi, Bluetooth e GNSS in un unico pacchetto. Il nuovo HE922-3GR e WE922-3GR serie di moduli intelligenti nella famiglia xE922 sono anche il primo ad utilizzare la tecnologia del processore SoC x3 Intel174 Atom8482 con un motore di elaborazione quad-core autonomo e risorse complete IO. In combinazione con la società di servizi degli oggetti del portale e degli oggetti di connettività, questi moduli offrono una soluzione completa ideale end-to-end per i fornitori in una vasta gamma di aree applicative, tra cui l'assistenza sanitaria, distribuzione automatica, POS, un parcheggio pubblico, edifici intelligenti, smart grid e industriale Internet delle cose. 8220The xE922-3GR prodotti sono cambiavalute gioco. Quando si guarda a come la complessità della progettazione di dispositivi con più chipset sta urtando costi e il time-to-market, si può apprezzare la potenza di questi all-in-one moduli ibridi, 8221 detto Ronen Ben-Hamou, Telit Vice Presidente Esecutivo di prodotti e soluzioni. 8220It avrebbe preso una buona squadra di ingegneria mesi per sviluppare un prototipo di dispositivo degli oggetti usando i circuiti integrati disparati, mentre un ingegnere o due ora in grado di creare una soluzione completa end-to-end degli oggetti in un solo paio di weeks.8221 8220Across tutti i settori e segmenti, le imprese sono sempre alla ricerca di scorciatoie nello sviluppo dei prodotti tradizionali per arrivare sul mercato più rapidamente, ha detto Fred 8221 Yentz, Amministratore Delegato, Piattaforme Telit IoT. 8220With la combinazione di moduli Telit8217s cloud-ready dell'Internet degli oggetti, i piani di dati personalizzati, completa degli oggetti Portal, e senza eguali IoT know-how, ci rendono facile da collegare, gestire e integrare i 8216things8217 con web-based o applicazioni mobili o Enterprise Systems 8211 fornendo il percorso più veloce per la trasformazione del business, migliorato l'efficienza operativa e l'innovazione nel market.8221 Vai alla precedente 3310 Vai alla specificato articleSubmit suo stato scambiato in un trend 255.265 da qualche tempo, ma sta cominciando a guardare a un breakout verso l'alto possibilmente nel i prossimi giorni. saremo seeCours azione Bastide le CONFOR BLC sito garanti VeriSign SSL pour la Sicurezza prenotazioni et la Segretezza des comunicazioni. Borse de Paris, indici Euronext en temps rel - Indice Francoforte en diffr 15 minuti - Cours diffrs Dau moins 15 mn (Europa, Bruxelles, Amsterdam, Nasdaq, Francoforte, Londra, Madrid, Toronto, NYSE, AMEX) - 20mn (Milano) ou 30mn (Zurigo, NYMEX) - Les indici et les cours sont la proprit des Partenaires suivants copiare NIKKEI Inc, copiare Euronext, copiare TMX Group Inc. Boursorama sito figlio diffusa sur Internet des informations dont les droits de diffusione ont t concds par des FOURNISSEURS de flusso, SIX Financial Information et Interactive Data Copyright copy 2017 Boursorama Pubblico Certifié parPrevent transazioni non autorizzate nella vostra intermediazione e conto demat. Aggiornare gli ID numbersemail mobili con il vostro agente di borsa e partecipante Depository. Ricevere avvisi con informazioni di tutte le carte di debito e altre operazioni importanti nel tuo account brokingdemat direttamente dagli scambi e CDSL sul mobileemail alla fine della giornata. Rilasciato nell'interesse degli investitori KYC è un esercizio tempo, mentre si occupano di mercati mobiliari - una volta KYC viene fatto attraverso un intermediario SEBI registrata (broker, DP, fondo comune di investimento, ecc), è necessario non subisce ancora una volta lo stesso processo, quando ci si avvicina a un altro intermediario . Non c'è bisogno di emettere assegni da parte degli investitori, mentre la sottoscrizione di IPO. Basta scrivere il numero di conto bancario e firmare il modulo di richiesta di autorizzare la tua banca per effettuare il pagamento in caso di riparto. Nessuna preoccupazione per il rimborso come il denaro rimane in conto gli investitori. Divulgazione di Proprietary Trading da Pinnacle Brocom Private Limited ai sensi del SEBI circolare n. SEBIHOCDMRDDMPCIRP201649 datata 25 aprile 2016, in ottemperanza alle direttive impartite dal Consiglio Securities Exchange of India (SEBI) vide i suoi no. SEBIHOCDMRDDMPCIRP201649 circolare del 25 aprile 2016 desideriamo informarvi che abbiamo di essere Trading Cum Eliminazione membri del Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd (MCX) e National commodity Derivatives Exchange Limited (NCDEX), possono impegnarsi in attività di trading di proprietà relativa a Exchange Traded commodities su entrambi gli scambi di cui sopra. Divulgazione di Proprietary Trading Forex da Pinnacle amp Securities Private Limited ai sensi del SEBI circolare n. SEBIMRDSECIR-422.003 in data 19 novembre 2003, in ottemperanza alle direttive impartite dal Consiglio Securities Exchange of India (SEBI) vide la sua circolare no. SEBIMRDSECIR-422.003 del 19 novembre 2003 abbiamo desideriamo informarvi che abbiamo di essere membri del Bombay Stock Exchange ( BSE) e National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE), possono impegnarsi in attività di proprietary trading nei negoziati in borsa Titoli su entrambi gli scambi di cui sopra. Questa intimazione è emessa al fine di rispettare la circolare SEBI di cui sopra. Pinnacle Brocom Pvt. ID Ltd. NCDEX Iscritto: 00221, FMC Regn. No: NCDEX TCM CORP 0303 MCX Iscritto ID: 12315, FMC Regn No: MCX TCM CORP 0424 SEBI Regn. No: INZ000017335 Pinnacle Forex Securities Pvt. ID Ltd. BSE membro. 6295, SEBI Reg. No. ID INB011412237 NSE Capitale membro. 14122, SEBI Reg. No. ID INB231412231 NSE FO membro. 14122, SEBI Reg. No. ID INF231412231 NSE CD membro. 13558, SEBI Reg. No. INE231355830

Trading System Allegro

Sprudge Jobs Benvenuti a Sprudge Jobs, una divisione della Sprudge Media Network focalizzata su assunzioni e disponibilità delle migliori marche di caffè di specialità. Interessato a pubblicando un lavoro di contatto con noi. Liste attuali Ferris Caffè Ferris Coffee Service Technician Grand Rapids, Michigan Il ruolo chiave di un tecnico a Ferris Il caffè è al servizio di macchine per caffè espresso ed attrezzature erogazione del caffè attraverso l'esame delle denunce e la conduzione di test approfonditi, eseguire la manutenzione preventiva, e risolvere i problemi di servizio al cliente. Un candidato ideale per questa posizione ha esperienza in attrezzature e caffè espresso di manutenzione, e ha una passione per le persone e il caffè. Si tratta di un cliente esposizione, e richiede pertanto la dedizione e l'impegno per la nostra missione, visione e valori fondamentali come azienda. Compiti e responsabilità Installazione, risoluzione dei problemi e riparazione caffè e attrezzature espresso presso i clienti Esecuzione della manutenzione preventiva sul caffè e attrezzature espresso a intervalli regolari Mantenere relazioni con i clienti attraverso l'esame dei reclami, individuando soluzioni e suggerendo miglioramenti Documentare azioni di servizio e di installazione completando rapporti e conservazione record aggiornare le conoscenze partecipando alle opportunità formative attraverso Traveling formazione interna ed esterna per tutto il occidentale Penisola inferiore come necessario per svolgere compiti collaborare con gli altri membri del team di caffè per garantire marchio coerente e la conoscenza del prodotto mantenere la condizione di veicoli e strumenti forniti da l'azienda durante l'orario di lavoro rotante responsabilità per il ore di chiamata per relativi servizi problemi meccanicamente competenze inclinate con una buona conoscenza di impianti idraulici, elettrici, e gli standard HVAC comprensione di base di erogazione del caffè e attrezzature espresso Passione per l'industria del caffè di specialità Nell'esperienza persona del servizio clienti avanzato in email e applicazioni di Microsoft Office. Patente di guida valida con un incensurato di guida ben organizzato con la capacità di lavorare bene abilità in modo indipendente per sollevare 50 libbre. senza Richieste assistenza fisica 038 Ambiente di lavoro Durante l'esecuzione delle funzioni di questo lavoro, il dipendente è regolarmente richiesto di parlare o sentire. Il dipendente spesso è richiesto di stare uso passeggiata mani al dito, gestire o si sentono e raggiungere con le mani e le braccia. La posizione richiede di sedersi, camminare e sollevamento meno di 30 libbre per lunghi periodi di tempo durante il giorno. Durante l'esecuzione delle funzioni di questo lavoro, il dipendente è spesso esposto a fumi o particelle sospese nell'aria, parti meccaniche in movimento e le vibrazioni. Il livello di rumore nell'ambiente di lavoro può essere forte. Si prega di inviare lettera di presentazione e curriculum a employmentferriscoffee Seattle Barista Academy Seattle Barista Academy Barista Trainer Istruttore Tukwila, Washington Seattle Barista Academy, i capitelli di caffè della scuola barista, è alla ricerca di nuovi istruttori Questa è una opportunità di lavoro part-time come barista candidati formatore deve avere esperienza di lavoro in un bar di terza ondata Deve essere abile con le più recenti tecniche di produzione di birra di caffè espresso e pour-over, con caffè singolo originblend Supervisione o la gestione di esperienza è un plus un'ottima opportunità pagare per lavorare con il fantastico equipaggio Seattle Barista Academy, per aiutare i nuovi proprietari di coffee shop sviluppare le loro abilità di caffè in esecuzione, così come aiutare promettendo baristi acquisire le competenze necessarie Date un'occhiata al nostro sito web Blu Sparrow caffè Blu Sparrow caffè Barista Denver, Colorado We8217re alla ricerca di persone eccezionali con grande personalità a lavorare in un piccolo caf quartiere situato nella RINO. Se vi sforzate di fornire un servizio clienti incrollabile, e qualità senza compromessi questo è il posto per voi. A proposito della posizione 8211 a tempo pieno (FT) e part-time (PT) posizioni disponibili 8211 deve essere in grado di sollevando 50 libbre 8211 Benefici per la salute disponibili per i dipendenti di FT 8211 devono avere almeno 18 anni o più Di te 8211 eccezionale personalità 8211 Capacità di lavorare in un veloce caffè 8211 grande coerenza 8211 Amerai il caffè 8211 Latte art preferito Cosa ci aspettiamo 8211 offrono una esperienza di ospitalità eccezionale per ogni cliente 8211 comunicare chiaramente conoscenza del prodotto e informazioni ai clienti 8211 Mantenere un caf superbamente pulito e organizzato in ogni momento 8211 I primi lavori mattino, e week-end 8211 essere disposti a lavorare ogni giorno con un atteggiamento positivo e un occhio senza compromessi per la qualità Se sei entusiasta di diventare parte integrante di un piccolo team di professionisti, invia il tuo curriculum a managerbluesparrowcoffee Toby8217s immobiliare Toby8217s immobiliare Baristas Seattle , Washington Toby8217s Estate Coffee è una piccola torrefazione lotto si trova a Brooklyn, New York. Viaggiamo il mondo di sourcing caffè, celebrando la qualità e la complessità. Come torrefattori e baristi, crediamo che ogni caffè può raccontare una storia e ci sforziamo di condividere che in ogni tazza. Siamo alla ricerca di baristi e manager entusiasti, ospitali e abili a lavorare al nostro primo negozio a Seattle. Il nostro bar sarà situato in centro a 7 e di pino con una data di apertura prevista di 13 aprile Questo è un eccitante opportunità di lavorare con caffè stellari sullo stato di moderne attrezzature tra cui un AV La Marzocco Strada e Mahlknig EK43 e smerigliatrici Peak. Si prega di avere un minimo di un anno di esperienza specialità di caffè, la disponibilità week-end, e di una scheda di Handler8217s alimentari Washington. Se interessati, si prega di rispondere con un curriculum e lettera corta con tre referenze professionali. Siamo alla ricerca di tempo pieno e part-time. Salute e assicurazione dentale disponibili. gamme orarie da 11 a 20, a seconda della posizione e l'esperienza. È necessario essere in grado di sollevare fino a 30kg e salire le scale. Inviateci i vostri lettera di presentazione e curriculum a emilydtobysestate Toby8217s Toby8217s Estate Managers immobiliare Seattle, Washington Toby8217s Estate Coffee è una piccola torrefazione lotto si trova a Brooklyn, New York. Viaggiamo il mondo di sourcing caffè, celebrando la qualità e la complessità. Come torrefattori e baristi, crediamo che ogni caffè può raccontare una storia e ci sforziamo di condividere che in ogni tazza. Siamo alla ricerca di baristi e manager entusiasti, ospitali e abili a lavorare al nostro primo negozio a Seattle. Il nostro bar sarà situato in centro a 7 e di pino con una data di apertura prevista di 13 aprile Questo è un eccitante opportunità di lavorare con caffè stellari sullo stato di moderne attrezzature tra cui un AV La Marzocco Strada e Mahlknig EK43 e smerigliatrici Peak. Si prega di avere un minimo di un anno di esperienza specialità di caffè, la disponibilità week-end, e di una scheda di Handler8217s alimentari Washington. Se interessati, si prega di rispondere con un curriculum e lettera corta con tre referenze professionali. Siamo alla ricerca di tempo pieno e part-time. Salute e assicurazione dentale disponibili. gamme orarie da 11 a 20, a seconda della posizione e l'esperienza. È necessario essere in grado di sollevare fino a 30kg e salire le scale. Inviateci i vostri lettera di presentazione e curriculum a emilydtobysestate Philz Coffee Philz Coffee Roasting produzione Oakland, California Philz torrefazione Direttore di produzione è responsabile della gestione della produzione giornaliera di caffè tostato, garantendo la cultura e la missione Philz sono mantenuti, le richieste di produzione sono soddisfatte, gli standard di qualità sono superati , e tutte le norme di sicurezza alimentare e sono seguite. Questa posizione riporta al Dir. di caffè e lavora a stretto contatto con Philz arrosto Maestro e Direttore delle piante. Che you8217ll essere facendo la leadership giorno per giorno di torrefazione e fagiolini squadra movimentazione Gestione giornaliera, settimanale, e lungo termine pianificazione della produzione Gestione efficienze di produzione utilizzando il miglioramento continuo e filosofie correlati in collaborazione con la produzione di tostatura Conciliare Plant Manager e reporting giornaliero giornaliero , dati settimanali e di produzione a lungo termine per soddisfare gli standard società che gestisce l'inventario di fagioli verdi sul posto, in collaborazione con la logistica coordinatore Assicurare la conformità con HACCP, OSHA, FSMA e tutte le norme di sicurezza alimentare e dei lavoratori, e programmi di conformità di sostenibilità sotto la direzione del direttore di stabilimento Coppettazione con arrosto di master e team QA regolarmente per garantire l'aderenza ai profili arrosto stabiliti arrosto, di supporto movimentazione Fagiolino e attrezzature torrefazione manutenzione, riparazione e manutenzione generale impianto sotto la direzione di Plant manager e arrosto Maestro. Collaborando con il magazzino, approvvigionamento di prodotti, e le squadre di fagioli verdi al fine di garantire l'eccellenza globale del prodotto, l'efficienza operativa, e il successo membro del team di supporto di progetti speciali a discrezione della Dir. di Coffe Cosa you8217ll bisogno per avere successo Deve amare del caffè e ad abbracciare la missione Philz a giorni migliori tre anni di esperienza torrefazione del caffè sul girarrosto produzione Un anno di esperienza coppettazione e campione tostatura capacità provata di caffè tostato a specifiche precise costantemente Capacità di lavorare in modo efficiente con i fogli elettronici, i controlli di sistema , e molteplici piattaforme software di vigilanza e formazione esperienza Capacità di alzare 75 libbre gratuito Possibilità di peso per pushpull 150-2500 sterline libbre. utilizzando prese del pallet Andor macchinari pesanti certificazione carrello elevatore (possono essere forniti di formazione e certificazione aggiuntiva) Takelma Roasting Company Takelma Roasting Company arrosto Maestro Roseburg, Oregon posizione Scopo La responsabilità primaria del arrosto Master è per supervisionare la produzione sicura ed efficace dei prodotti imprese di caffè , nonché la crescita della struttura nel suo complesso. Tutte le mansioni devono essere eseguite conformemente alle dipartimentali e proprietà politiche, le pratiche e le procedure. Funzioni essenziali supervisionerà le operazioni torrefazione e la produzione giornaliera. Sviluppare e gestire i profili arrosto. caffè verde arrosto ai profili specificati e il volume in base alla necessità di business. Mantenere il controllo di qualità attraverso coppette e analisi regolare del prodotto. Log produzione giornaliera e mantenere l'inventario utilizzando un sistema di monitoraggio delle scorte. Assistere nella formazione di nuovi membri del team, come richiesto. Mantenere apparecchiature di produzione e assicurarsi che siano in buono stato. Coordinare la spedizione e la ricezione dei prodotti e inventario. Perseguire nuovo business attraverso opportunità di vendita e le opportunità. Mantenere i conti di vendita esistenti. Crea orari di ciò che deve essere completato entro quale data per molteplici aspetti del business. Raccoglie tutte le risorse necessarie per il completamento dei vari progetti utilizzando le risorse disponibili o di ottenere nuovi. Coordina le attività con i fornitori ed i fornitori e le relazioni mantenere con loro. Mantiene le informazioni riservate che si riceve nei media verbale, scritta, ed elettronica. Esegue tutte le altre funzioni relative di lavoro come richiesto. Qualifiche 3 anni di esperienza nella produzione roastingcoffee o un campo relativo richiesto. laurea AAAS preferito, Diploma richiesto. Deve avere un forte interesse nel settore del caffè e la volontà di espandere la base di conoscenza. Deve essere in grado di leggere e comprendere manuali delle attrezzature. Ottima capacità di gestione del tempo richiesto. Capacità di multitasking in un ambiente percorso veloce. esperienza di computer intermedio in Microsoft Office programmi richiesti. George Howell Coffee George Howell Coffee The Godfrey hotel General Manager Boston, Massachusetts George Howell Coffee è una torrefazione artigianale con un fiore all'occhiello caffè al The Godfrey hotel a Boston e due caffetterie più piccole a Boston Public Market e Newtonville. Come azienda, siamo appassionati di nostri ospiti e vogliamo loro di prendere parte all'avventura mentre esploriamo l'arcobaleno di sapori del caffè. Con profonde radici nella eccellenza, ci sforziamo di fornire, senza sopraffazione, tutti gli strati trasparenti di sapore intrinseco di ottimi caffè. George Howell si impegna per i nostri dipendenti, pagare i salari superiori alla media, promuovendo l'educazione sul caffè, e l'offerta di carriera attraverso il suo programma di mentoring. Speriamo di incontrarvi presto. Presso il nostro caf al The Godfrey Hotel, il direttore generale è al centro dell'esperienza ospiti ospitalità e le nostre prestazioni squadre. I nostri manager di creare un ambiente caldo e accogliente per gli ospiti e il personale. I gestori sono responsabili del controllo dei costi finanziari e lavorare con il team per fornire sulle aspettative fissate dalla leadership. Stiamo crescendo, la gente prima società alla ricerca di persone che mettono prima gli altri. Autorità, doveri e responsabilità supervisionare tutte le operazioni per il tuo negozio, garantendo migliori esperienze dei clienti e le migliori prestazioni della squadra in un ambiente di lavoro Coach best-in-class,, sostegno diretto e riconoscere i membri del team attraverso il feedback delle prestazioni, comprese le azioni disciplinari in caso di necessità Assist nel raggiungimento di obiettivi di vendita e di redditività mentre conduce la squadra nel fornire un'esperienza che si fonda dei costi operativi di controllo ospitalità attraverso la manutenzione tempestiva del CAF e attrezzature sorvegliare e mentore di uno staff di 20 membri del team di lavoro con la direzione di identificare, sviluppare e valutare offerte innovative nel restaurantcaf compreso il cibo artigianale, birra 038 vini, bevande e prodotti di caffè lavorare con il management hotel per fornire un servizio eccellente e di prodotto per i loro ospiti garantire il conseguimento costante di velocità e passaggi di servizio a tutti i livelli aziendali insegnare ai nostri standard di companys di qualità alla squadra i membri e assicurare il mantenimento delle norme in questione. Partecipare alla formazione personale continua ad ampliare la propria conoscenza di alimenti e bevande e condividere questa conoscenza per gli ospiti e il personale Garantire ospiti e il personale sono accolti ricevuti e accolti in ogni occasione e di impegnarsi con i nostri ospiti per offrire un'esperienza personalizzata Eseguire tutti i ruoli e compiti di un team Member in base alle esigenze in costante sviluppo, proporre e implementare miglioramenti al servizio e operationsthinking fuori dagli schemi per rendere il nostro caf stand-alone come un innovatore del settore e leader Assicurarsi che tutte le aree di esperienza degli ospiti soddisfano o superano tutti i parametri di riferimento stabiliti per la qualità e la coerenza Anticipare ospiti e negozio ha bisogno valutando costantemente le operazioni, le previsioni e le tendenze Eseguire per il settore bancario di base e contabilità, con il supporto del gruppo dirigente Siamo alla ricerca di persone che hanno messo la gente prima Dimostrare una passione per i nostri prodotti artigianali di qualità display energia contagiosa sottolineare il lavoro di squadra è impegnata a fornire top prestazioni e superare gli standard è un processo guidato avere ottime capacità di comunicazione e di servizio al cliente avere un diploma di scuola superiore, GED, o simili credenziali 8211 eccezioni fatte per i candidati giusti mantenere la partecipazione puntuale e coerente Driven di migliorare costantemente e crescere grado Bachelor8217s, o equivalente, preferito in caf e gestione di un ristorante o nel campo relativo. Una combinazione di esperienza pratica e formazione sarà considerato come alternativa. Minimo di tre anni di caf direttamente connesse o informale ristorante esperienza di gestione che comprende la gestione del personale e di esperienza operativa. Minima di 1-2 anni in analogo ruolo capacità L'esperienza con birra e vino servizio può correntemente leggere e parlare inglese. i candidati bilingue sono incoraggiati ad applicare. Completamente funzionale con le operazioni POS e MS Office Requisiti fisici Capacità di mantenere fissi (ad es in piedi) per lunghi periodi di tempo spesso e di essere in piedi per un massimo di 8 ore per turno capacità di muoversi al restaurantcaf per tutta la giornata assistendo personale e gli ospiti come oltre a svolgere compiti di spostamento costante Possibilità di spostare e sollevare forniture, attrezzature, scatole e altri oggetti fino a 50 sterline dal pavimento al scaffali, sotto banco e su una serie di scale di frequente Possibilità di raggiungere articoli sotto banco e spese generali sugli scaffali spesso capacità di tollerare l'esposizione alla pulizia soluzioni stipendio spesso altamente competitivo per titoli e fx in base alle metriche di prestazioni chiave. Caravela Caravela Caffè Caffè Nord America Lab CoordinatorLogistics Supporto Chapel Hill, North Carolina Caravela è un exporterimporter caffè verde di proprietà privata e in rapida espansione specializzata in alta qualità lavato caffè latino-americano. Abbiamo l'acquisto di operazioni in otto paesi dell'America Latina e uffici commerciali in Nord America, Australia ed Europa. Siamo alla ricerca di una persona laboriosa e altamente capace di unire il nostro ufficio vendite in Nord America per sostenere la crescita del business nella regione attraverso il controllo qualità, gestione campioni e supporto logistico. funzioni di lavoro Key Lab coordinatore coordinate con magazzino per garantire OTS ricevuto da tutte le spedizioni Mantenere i campioni inventario sviluppare i campioni del sistema di codifica migliorare e mantenere il sistema per i campioni inviati Registro tutti i campioni hanno ricevuto arrosto e si preparano coppette quotidiane per i campioni ricevuto Log coppa punteggi di tutti i campioni preparare e inviare campioni per i clienti, come richiesto dal team di vendita assicurarsi che tutti i caffè pronti a coppa mensile per monitorare la qualità Mantenere l'inventario di tutte le marche di caffè per garantire la consegna puntuale ai clienti ad organizzare coppette regolari di marchi chiave e gli agricoltori di primo piano per il personale familiarizzazione arrosto e preparare coppette per eventi come indicato dal team di vendita Aggiornamento NASD su campioni receivedsentexpected stato e coppette in programma per la settimana della logistica di supporto coordinate con Global Logistics manager per monitorare le spedizioni verso il Nord America garantire ETA aggiornato Creare ordini di consegna nel sistema di rilasciare il caffè ai clienti coordinare con specialista contabile, ove necessario, per garantire la tempestiva fatturazione essenziali 2-5 anni di esperienza nel settore del caffè di specialità caffè conoscenze coppettazione competenze, metodi di produzione di birra, macchinari, ecc Esempio torrefazione inglese fluente (più diritto di lavorare in USA) Ottima capacità di comunicazione modo cliente ottime capacità organizzative forte lavoro della volontà etica di multi - task e rimanere bloccati in Disponibilità disposizione positiva per imparare lo spagnolo desiderati QCLab esperienza logistica di base esperienza spagnola questa è una fantastica opportunità per un duro lavoro, self-starter che è disposto a mettere tempo ed energie ad aiutare questo settore in rapida espansione successo nel mercato nordamericano. Spazio per la crescita e responsabilità estese, opportunità di viaggio, in rapido movimento società internazionale. Sarebbe adatto QClab direttore Roaster BaristaBarista formatore con una vasta conoscenza coppettazione campione competenze tostatura Stipendio dipendente dalla esperienza avviare marzo 2017, le Chapel Hill, NC Si prega di inviare lettera di candidatura, curriculum vitae e le aspettative di stipendio a badi. bradleycaravela. coffee. oggetto: America del Nord Lab Coordinatore Logistics Support Reanimator Reanimator Coffee Roasters Coffee Roasters part-time Barista Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Reanimator è alla ricerca di esperienza, la qualità concentrata, e baristi amichevole per unirsi al nostro team di Philadelphia. Erano alla ricerca di persone che capiscono le sfumature di caffè, e siamo entusiasti di esplorare loro, sia con i loro colleghi e clienti. precedente esperienza in una specialità caffè è preferito. Questa è una posizione part time. Responsabilità Fornire grande comprensione del servizio clienti e che utilizzano metodi di fermentazione rianimatori Avere un entusiasmo per il caffè, e il desiderio di espandere la vostra conoscenza Mantenere il caffè pulito e all'altezza degli standard di presentazione dei Reanimator godendo quello che fai, e l'orgoglio nel prodotto. Qualifiche Esperienza di lavoro nei caffè di specialità, e birra espresso, è preferito. In grado di lavorare la mattina e nei fine settimana. Deve essere affidabile, flessibile e responsabile. Un apprezzamento e amore per il caffè. Grandi capacità relazionali e la capacità di relazionarsi e di interagire con i clienti. Deve essere in grado di stare in piedi per lunghi periodi di tempo, e di sollevare fino a 25 £. I nostri baristi sono il punto di contatto e di informazione per la nostra azienda più accessibile. L'esperienza fornita ad ogni singolo cliente va un lungo cammino nel mantenere la mentalità di qualità e la cura che weve lavorato sodo per stabilire. La formazione verrà fornito a ciascun membro del personale, e le opportunità per promuovere la tua formazione personale nel caffè sono presentati spesso. Se youd come saperne di più, o se youd piace chiedere di aderire al personale rianimatore, fatecelo sapere a inforeanimatorcoffee. Nobletree Caffè Nobletree caffè Sales Manager Brooklyn, New York Nobletree è una marca di caffè innovativo di agricoltori, Roasters, e baristi con sede a Brooklyn, NY con piantagioni di caffè di proprietà in Brasile. Nobletrees team di professionisti del settore caffè sovrintende il viaggio ogni caffè, dalle sue condizioni di crescita, per la raccolta, la torrefazione e distribuzione. Coltivando una storia che è direttamente legata alla provenienza della coppa. Una collezione di fagioli raccolte a mano da Nobletree caffè da molti altri paesi produttori di caffè notevoli completa il portafoglio mondana e aromatico. Nobletree Il caffè è un orgoglioso membro della famiglia FAL caffè. Siamo alla ricerca di un esperto Sales Manager per unirsi al nostro team di vendita per contribuire a espandere la nostra rete di conti all'ingrosso, distributori e intermediari. Oltre a concentrarsi sulla stabilimenti locali come ristoranti, caffetterie e negozi di caffè. Questa persona lavorerà all'interno del valori fondamentali, la missione e le strategie di Nobletree caffè per garantire che i potenziali clienti sono forniti con la migliore esperienza possibile al cliente, mentre in costante espansione del marchio Nobletree. Funzioni essenziali stabilire obiettivi di distribuzione per dimensione, i clienti e il canale del commercio identificare e sfruttare attivamente nuove opportunità di business in termini di nuova distribuzione e nuove rotte per commercializzare Esegui vendite locali e attività di marketing in linea con il piano industriale concordato, e continuamente lavorare con i distributori per costruire marchi presenza raggiungere un volume e di collocamento degli obiettivi per il mercato di destinazione lavorare con team di vendita per la gestione delle vendite e delle prestazioni: la definizione di obiettivi, la misurazione e l'analisi degli obiettivi di squadra e individuali di vendita di coordinamento delle riunioni di vendita per coprire le prestazioni di marca, gli incentivi, le strategie di gestire le prestazioni dei dipendenti e promuovere il buon morale e compagnia valori di mercato e analisi delle tendenze, iniziative di marketing, e futura gestione pianificazione tendenza di on e off-premise di vendita account strategici e continuamente costruire relazioni con i clienti chiave organizzazione di eventi in coordinamento con il Dipartimento Marketing (coppette, eventi educativi, eventi commerciali ) Rappresentare la società in attività promozionali e di eventi identificare le opportunità di base (vale a dire eventi, bande, sponsorizzazioni, feste) attraverso ricerche di mercato e agire su questa ricerca continuamente aggiornare la vostra conoscenza del caffè e coffeeindustry tendenze Garantire la qualità del caffè con i conti attraverso le mani sulla formazione di competenze e caffè conoscenze Lavorare a stretto contatto con il marketing per lo sviluppo di materiali di vendita efficaci per sostenere le vendite sforzi riporterà direttamente al direttore generale in merito ai progressi delle vendite rispetto al numero di reti qualifiche minimo di 5 anni di esperienza di vendita di vendita nella distribuzione alimentare o un caffè un requisito Appassionato ed entusiasta caffè drive e la motivazione per avere successo le attività organizzate e in grado di gestire in modo efficace tutti i giorni e settimanali comprensione della corrente tendenze alimentari comprensione delle operazioni in alimenti e bevande comprensione dei concetti fondamentali che disposti ad andare al di là di raggiungere gli obiettivi di vendita e mantenere i clienti soddisfatti prega di inviare la vostra lettera di copertura e riprendere a jobsnobletreecoffee Kickapoo Coffee Roasters Kickapoo Coffee Roasters Cafe vendite 038 Istruzione Direttore Viroqua, Wisconsin a proposito di Kickapoo Coffee Roasters Dal 2005, Kickapoo Coffee Roasters ha lavorato per forgiare durata, cooperazioni equi con i piccoli agricoltori. Lavoriamo direttamente con i coltivatori e cooperative di caffè per garantire elevati standard di qualità, la sostenibilità e la compensazione contadino. Con sede a sud-ovest bella regione Driftless Wisconsins, Kickapoo caffè cerca nuovi membri del team che condividono la nostra missione e dei valori e sono desiderosi di unirsi alla nostra crescita, imprenditoriale spirito, ambiente di lavoro ideale per le famiglie. Posizione Panoramica Il Cafe vendite 038 Education Manager è responsabile per lo sviluppo e l'esecuzione del piano di vendite strategiche per bar e ristoranti. Questa posizione è anche la responsabilità di guidare la formazione dei clienti e formazione e il mantenimento di Kickapoo Coffee8217s impegno con l'industria del caffè di specialità, tra cui il Barista Gilda e SCAA. Questa posizione è un membro del team di vendita Marketing 038 e lavora in stretta collaborazione con i dipartimenti di caffè e di produzione. Responsabilità fondamentali Vendita Kickapoo caffè al bar e ristoranti nel Midwest superiore e oltre. Proattivo sviluppare una strategia di vendita ed eseguire piani di vendita. Collaborare con le vendite interne e team di marketing per raggiungere gli obiettivi di vendita. Sviluppare e mantenere attività esistente e proporre nuove attività per grandi clienti. Prospezione e di chiamate a freddo ai nuovi clienti. Fornire formazione ai clienti sia a casa e alle loro posizioni. Mantenere relazioni basate sul servizio, la qualità e l'impegno per il cliente. Promuovere il coinvolgimento del cliente in Kickapoo Coffees missione e dando programmi. Sovrintendere al programma di attrezzature di vendita, comprese le vendite, la consultazione e l'installazione, se necessario. Gestire e sviluppare le relazioni con i fornitori di attrezzature. Recensione storie cliente di ordinare per assistere con la gestione di obiettivi di vendita trimestrali. Aggiornare e mantenere database CRM per i potenziali e attuali clienti dei caffè. Rimanere aggiornati con le ricerche di mercato, partecipare a fiere e condurre viaggio regolare per i clienti esistenti e in via di sviluppo. Membro attivo del servizio clienti. Fornire input vendite nello sviluppo di nuovi prodotti e materiali POS di marketing efficaci. Requisiti 038 desiderata esperienza capacità di vendita nel settore del caffè di specialità preferito. L'esperienza con il posizionamento formazione e le attrezzature desiderato. servizio clienti eccellente. Possibilità di viaggiare per le chiamate di vendita, la gestione dei clienti ed eventi del settore. comunicazione stellare e di gestione del tempo competenze. Competenza con programmi di Microsoft Office. Vantaggi piano Sanità carico vacanza vacanze di quiescenza aziendali Una libbra di caffè gratuito ogni settimana prega di inviare il vostro curriculum e una lettera di presentazione a jobskickapoocoffee con titolo posizione Cafe vendite 038 Istruzione Manager nella riga dell'oggetto Stumptown Coffee Roasters Stumptown Coffee Roasters Baristas New Orleans, Louisiana Sommario Fornire eccezionale servizio clienti come un Barista nei nostri CAFS. Fornire un'esperienza caffè per il cliente che non è mai stato creato prima. Fare l'esperienza del cliente indimenticabile. Funzioni essenziali salutare tutti i clienti con un sorriso amichevole. Fornire un servizio cordiale, efficiente e personale per ogni cliente. Creare un rapporto con i clienti, imparando i loro nomi e le bevande preferite. Educare i clienti su tutti i nostri prodotti. Mantenere alta la qualità e gli standard di prodotto coerenti. Impegnarsi per il più alto livello di soddisfazione del cliente. Accuratamente elaborare le transazioni nel sistema POS. Cup e caffè gusto regolarmente per mantenere la familiarità con gli standard di prodotto e di qualità. Tieniti informato della nuova disponibilità del caffè e gli attributi. Comunicare con i membri del team e la gestione per risolvere i problemi e migliorare il servizio. Sostenere un ambiente di lavoro positivo. Altre funzioni come assegnate. responsabilità di supervisione Nessuno qualifiche Comprovata passione e l'entusiasmo per il servizio di caffè clienti che viene eseguito in maniera intesa personale e professionale di caffè e il desiderio di specialità di vendita al dettaglio per educare gli altri circa il nostro caffè espresso e metodi di forte attenzione ai dettagli e sano rispetto per la pulizia e l'igiene emozione circa il compito di garantire che ogni cliente ha una esperienza di qualità nella nostra caf aperta alla critica e costantemente impegnata a migliorare la capacità di multi-task con facilità esigenze fisiche stand e walkmust essere in grado di stare in piedi per turni e muoversi CAF eseguire movimenti ripetitivi con le mani, polsi e avambracci di azionare determinate macchine per caffè espresso capacità TasteSmell di rilevare e percepire l'odore di caffè Talkhear comunica spesso con i clienti hanno un peso, ascensore fino a 5 chili di frequente e fino a 50 libbre di tanto in tanto di lavoro ambiente di lavoro viene eseguita al caffè l'opera ambiente può essere rumoroso si prega di inviare lettera di presentazione e curriculum a jobsstumptowncoffee Visions Espresso Visioni Espresso service manager Seattle, Washington Visioni Espresso Il servizio è stato un leader nel settore del caffè di supporto dal 1986. dal nostro showroom, centro servizi e laboratorio di educazione caffè a Seattle, sosteniamo caffè e baristi in tutto il paese ea livello internazionale. Offriamo attrezzature per caffè espresso di vendita e di servizio, una linea completa di accessori al dettaglio e all'ingrosso e la consultazione programma di caffè e di formazione. Il nostro obiettivo è fornire attrezzature e formazione per consentire ai clienti il ​​nostro successo nel settore del caffè. Visions è una famiglia di proprietà e società orientata. Offriamo un ambiente di lavoro favorevole, contributi per la salute e l'assicurazione dentale, la partecipazione in un piano di 401k e pagato tempo libero. Come visioni continua a crescere, siamo alla ricerca di un esperto Service Manager per guidare la nostra squadra. Service Manager 8211 Scopo della posizione Il nuovo Service Manager porterà un caffè attrezzature servizio di assistenza a tempo pieno tecnici sul campo di servizio e dispatcher. I nostri tecnici coprono Stato di Washington con emergenza e supporto servizio di linea e 247 rotazione su chiamata. Inoltre, il nostro servizio ha un programma completo in-house di riparazione e partner con i nostri Fit 038 reparti di finitura e parti di ricambio per favorire Visions8217 reputazione 30 anni per il supporto tecnico di qualità e di servizio al cliente. Il Service Manager è responsabile del programma di manutenzione e di agire come l'interlocutore principale per i clienti ei tecnici pianificazione del servizio e del dispacciamento tecnici tramite un software di dispacciamento senza carta e con l'aiuto del nostro servizio Dispatcher. Il Service Manager sarà responsabile per la revisione di lavoro tutto il servizio svolto da esame e approvazione delle fatture di servizio e di lavoro fatto descrizioni, istruire i tecnici a seconda dei casi verso il successo sulla base di obiettivi aziendali. Il Service Manager sarà responsabile della gestione del team tecnologico di produttività, efficienza e qualità del servizio, con l'aiuto del Direttore Generale. Il Service Manager collaborerà con il team Equipment Sales di vendere il servizio, manutenzione preventiva e programmi di filtraggio, e il calendario installa di nuove attrezzature. Il Service Manager sarà responsabile della crescita delle vendite del dipartimento servizio attraverso l'aumento della quota di mercato dei clienti del servizio, massimizzando le opportunità di servizio con ogni cliente, favorire attrezzature fornitore (terza spedizione parte) le relazioni, aumentando l'efficienza tecnologia e le vendite tecnico individuali. La crescita complessiva delle vendite devono soddisfare o superare gli obiettivi prefissati e risultati reparto sarebbe stato utilizzato per calcolare un piano di incentivazione delle prestazioni di fine anno. The Service Manager position would be a salaried full time position with a Monday through Friday schedule working 8am 8211 4:30 pm, or a similar schedule with varying start and end times depending on department needs. The Service Manager would report to the General Manager and Owners. Skills and Experience A successful candidate for Service Manager will have experience leading a team of technicians as either a department manager or lead technician. Experience in the coffee industry is preferred, but leadership in comparable trades like plumbing, HVAC or motorcycle repair will be considered. The best candidate for this position will motivate our technicians to preform at their top level, encourage skill development and lead by example. He or she will support the tech team so that they can do their best work for our customers. The Service Manager must display grace under pressure, attention to detail and exemplary customer service skills. He or she must also have excellent follow-through on all service department commitments. If you would like to be considered for the Service Manager position, please email your resume in the body of your email. Please include a cover letter telling us what you can contribute to our team. Allegro Coffee Roasters Allegro Coffee Roasters Back-up Roaster Chicago, Illinois Job Description In 2013, the Allegro Coffee Roasters (ACR) brand was introduced to build a new coffee culture for Whole Foods Market. Currently ACR has four locations - Brooklyn, NY, - Berkeley, CA. - Boulder, CO, and our stand-alone, micro roastery in NW Denvers historic Berkeley neighborhood. We plan to run the best coffee roasteries and bars in the country and are looking for the right people to help us do it. So bring your ideas, spirit, and love for coffee to the table, and work with folks who share all of those things and want to do something more than the just the status quo. Responsibilities include Schedule roasts to ensure smooth production flow to meet inventory requirements. Set-up and monitor each roast, making adjustments to roaster settings as needed to ensure roasting quality standards. Prepare various coffee blends according to established recipes. Transfer roasted coffee to appropriate production station (bagging and grinding) to ensure efficient workflow. Follow Good Manufacturing Practices guidelines, OSHA Safety standards, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and applicable health codes at all times. Conduct quality tests on all final production roasts using the Colortrack roast analyzer. Set up regular sensory evaluations (coffee cuppings) with Coffee Team to ensure quality standards. Assist in tastings and other public events as needed. Perform other duties as assigned by Team Leader. Qualifications Passion for coffee required. Prior experience roasting coffee in a production facility or retail environment preferred. Min. 3 years experience working within Specialty Coffee preferred. Experience working in craft related industries i. e. craft beer, baking, culinary, etc. Passion for cupping, tasting and evaluating your work is a must (youll be doing a lot of it). Ability to visually examine products for quality and freshness and to check signage and labeling for accuracy. Proven success at engaging and influencing fellow team members and customers to share your passion for products. Organized with well-developed math skills and spreadsheetdata entry skills. Proven proficiency at following directions and established recipes. Able to meet the physical requirements of the working conditions including heavy lifting (up to 50 pounds) and handling multiple tasks simultaneously. Able to work well with a team. Experience in retail groceryspecialty a plus. Reliability is paramount. Individual must demonstrate flexibility to meet production and roasting demands and be available to work a variety of shifts including weekends and evenings. Please apply here. Stumptown Coffee Roasters Stumptown Coffee Roasters Cold Brew Production Tech Portland, Oregon We work hard. We have tremendous amounts of respect for each other and for what we do. We are progressive, open and evolving, but uncompromising in our commitment to quality. We are focused on sustainable growth and value everyones contribution and we also have lots of fun together. We are passionate group of folks, some might even say obsessive. No matter which team were on, were sourcing, roasting, tasting, testing, practicing and pushing ourselves to do it better. And we drink the best office coffee on the planet. Summary Work closely with the Assistant Brewers to brew large and small batches of the best cold brew out there. This is a fast-paced, detail-oriented position which involves steeping, filtering, and packaging cold brew in kegs, cans, stubbies, growlers, and more. Essential Functions Processing large-scale cold brew batches in brew tanks. Filling multiple cold brew vessels (growlers, kegs, etc). Loading vessels into cold storage. Breaking down used kegs from customers. Palate development. Practicing FIFO to maintain freshness and ensure the highest quality. Maintaining sanitary conditions. Assisting in the receiving of cold brew vessels and materials. Operate a forklift on a regular basis. Climb ladders to perform duties as needed. Supervisory responsibilities None Qualifications Demonstrated passion and enthusiasm for coffee Excellent Communicator Ability to work in a fast-paced environment Strong attention to detail and healthy respect for cleanliness and sanitation Ability to manage and prioritize daily and weekly tasks Basic math skills Detail-oriented and methodical Independent worker who takes initiative Experience with a pallet jack and forklift Food productionpreparation experience Physical Demands Carry weight, lift frequently moves materials weighing up to 50 pounds. Weight greater than 50 pounds will be mitigated with a lifting partner or device Stoopingbending body downward and forward by bending spine at the waist Operate a forklift within warehouse space, often in confined areas Climb up and down ladders to perform various job functions Repetitive twisting and bending Work environment Work is performed in a warehouse environment The work environment can be noisy Temperatures can be variable in the work area Exposure to chemicals associated with the sanitizing process Reports to the Head Brewer We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, genetic information, medical condition, veteran status, or any other class protected by local, state or federal law Please send cover letter and resume to jobsstumptowncoffee Counter Culture Coffee Counter Culture Coffee Technician Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Based in Durham, NC, with regional offices around the country, Counter Culture has been continuously innovating in the coffee industry since 1995and were looking for new team members to help us expand our efforts. Counter Culture Coffee is a relentless pursuit of coffee perfection. a dedication to real environmental, social, and fiscal sustainability. a commitment to creating cutting edge coffee people. As a member of the Customer Support department, the key function of this role is to act as a Counter Culture regional support representative, providing technical services, customer support, and course instruction. Coffee Technicians are primarily responsible for installation and upkeep of customers coffee equipment. Although a familiarity or comfort with tools and equipment is a required skill set, advanced coffee skills and industry knowledge are also key in this role. Coffee Techs are also expected to assist in the implementation of our Counter Intelligence program regionally by acting as lab instructors or assistants based on the specific regions needs and capacity. A Counter Culture Coffee Technician is a resourceful, pragmatic, and thorough service person, as well as a knowledgeable and crafted barista. Requirements Proficiency with tools, machinery, electricity, and plumbing Strong barista skill set (2 years preferred) Efficient time management, flexible schedule, off-hours availability Regular out-of-town travel throughout the year Reliable, accountable, and professional demeanor Strong desire to share knowledge and ability to teach others Duties Work with regional team to develop regional agenda Manage maintenance of all customer and company equipment Contribute to regional success by understanding and influencing leading indicators and metrics Contribute to regional growth by scaling support with our growth Lead Training Center events like labs, classes, tastings, workshops, and socials 90-day goals Qualify to perform general machine maintenance without supervision Qualify to lead core Counter Culture labs Certify as a Counter Culture barista and coffee steward Compensation and Benefits After 30 days, this full-time position will be eligible for comprehensive medical, dental, and vision coverage One free pound of coffee every week Three weeks paid time off Counter Culture Green Fund and Pushing Potential Fund eligibility after 30 days Employee is eligible for Counter Culture 401K withholding from date of hire, but will not receive company match until completion of first year of service Eligible for company profit sharing program after employee8217s first full quarter following their one year anniversary. All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, gender identity, or any other discriminating factors. Please click the link below to apply Counter Culture Coffee Counter Culture Coffee Technician Boston, Massachusetts Based in Durham, NC, with regional offices around the country, Counter Culture has been continuously innovating in the coffee industry since 1995and were looking for new team members to help us expand our efforts. Counter Culture Coffee is a relentless pursuit of coffee perfection. a dedication to real environmental, social, and fiscal sustainability. a commitment to creating cutting edge coffee people. As a member of the Customer Support department, the key function of this role is to act as a Counter Culture regional support representative, providing technical services, customer support, and course instruction. Coffee Technicians are primarily responsible for installation and upkeep of customers coffee equipment. Although a familiarity or comfort with tools and equipment is a required skill set, advanced coffee skills and industry knowledge are also key in this role. Coffee Techs are also expected to assist in the implementation of our Counter Intelligence program regionally by acting as lab instructors or assistants based on the specific regions needs and capacity. A Counter Culture Coffee Technician is a resourceful, pragmatic, and thorough service person, as well as a knowledgeable and crafted barista. Requirements Proficiency with tools, machinery, electricity, and plumbing Strong barista skill set (2 years preferred) Efficient time management, flexible schedule, off-hours availability Regular out-of-town travel throughout the year Reliable, accountable, and professional demeanor Strong desire to share knowledge and ability to teach others Duties Work with regional team to develop regional agenda Manage maintenance of all customer and company equipment Contribute to regional success by understanding and influencing leading indicators and metrics Contribute to regional growth by scaling support with our growth Lead Training Center events like labs, classes, tastings, workshops, and socials 90-day goals Qualify to perform general machine maintenance without supervision Qualify to lead core Counter Culture labs Certify as a Counter Culture barista and coffee steward Compensation and Benefits After 30 days, this full-time position will be eligible for comprehensive medical, dental, and vision coverage One free pound of coffee every week Three weeks paid time off Counter Culture Green Fund and Pushing Potential Fund eligibility after 30 days Employee is eligible for Counter Culture 401K withholding from date of hire, but will not receive company match until completion of first year of service Eligible for company profit sharing program after employee8217s first full quarter following their one year anniversary. All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, gender identity, or any other discriminating factors. Please click the link below to apply Lizzys Fresh Coffee Lizzys Fresh Coffee Coffee Ninja Ketchum, Idaho Are you passionate about coffee and living the lifestyle of an active and beautiful mountain town Work on the front line of our customer focused specialty coffee company in KetchumSun Valley, Idaho. Become a core employee at our small, fast-growing coffee roasterie, responsible for executing daily coffee packaging production, daily coffee bar operations, in-store customer service, materials procurement, quality procedures, office organization and more. Be on the front line of a small team with nationwide retail and wholesale customers. If you8217re self motivated, enthusiastic, and smart, apply with us. Lizzy8217s is a coffee roasterie, located in Ketchum, Idaho. We roast to order from world8217s best coffees and ship nationwide to retail and wholesale customers. Our roasterie production operation boasts a morning coffee bar as well as retail store. Our team is small, nimble and focused on producing the best quality products with customer service to match. Read more about this position to see if it8217s the perfect fit for you Core tasks 8211 There are 2 key components to this job 1. Morning coffee bar customer service. Customer kindness, order taking, roasted coffee 038 equipment sales, 038 drink preparation. Will be trained on current best practices in coffee preparation to become a top-level barista and all-things-Lizzy8217s expert. Bar hours 8-11am. 2. Daily coffee production 038 packaging including labeling 038 packaging daily coffee roasts, preparing outbound orders for shipment or pick up, daily roasterie 038 office clean up, and outbound carrier and wholesale order delivery. Minor tasks 8211 Simple computer assignments, materials procurement, quality procedures, office organization, roaster cleaning, customer assistance, inbound delivery receiving, and other tasks as assigned. This position is for you if You love coffee and embrace the opportunity to touch, smell, pour, and drink it every day You know you would thrive on the front line of a very focused, small team You have a fun, energetic, engaging attitude and disposition You are detail oriented, love checklists (especially when you get to cross things off), procedures, and are organized You can perform nimble work with your hands You embrace technology and have basic computer skills including using email, buying online, and typing You have the ability to lift up to 30 pounds, work on your feet, and get stuff done at a deliberate pace You have an ever-present positive attitude and a can-do approach to working in a multi-input environment You love creating order, and are unconsciously driven figure stuff out Your friends and family describe you with words like 8211 honest, positive, sincere, trustworthy, hard working, reliable and awesome This position is NOT for you if Tasks, order 038 lists make you break out in hives You have a difficult time taking direction You don8217t like to stick to procedure, process and standards You don8217t like interacting with people and providing professional, sincere assistance You have personal drama You are only available for a temporary time frame Hourly, 5 days per week, Monday-Friday, averaging 32 hours weekly Monday-Thursday 7am-3pm approximately, 038 Friday 7:30am-12pm Starting Salary 18hr plus tips Start Date 8211 ASAP, on or before March 15th, 2017 Application only accepted with online form. No calls. No walk ins. Have a job related question Email us at jobslizzysfreshcoffee . To apply please complete our online application here Sustainable Harvest Sustainable Harvest Traffic Manager Portland, Oregon Sustainable Harvest is an importer of high-quality specialty grade coffees from 18 countries around the world. We operate under the Relationship Coffee Model, our sustainable sourcing initiative that connects producers to coffee buyers to form transparent business relationships and reinvests in our supply chain to ensure farmers have the ability to sustainably produce high-quality coffee. Portland, Ore.-based social enterprise Sustainable Harvest Coffee Importers is currently hiring for the position of Traffic Manager. This person will work with Sustainable Harvests green coffee team and origin-based staff to Direct and manage overall traffic and customer service operations to import and store green specialty coffee from18 countries from Latin America, East Africa, and Indonesia into the U. S. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Asia Work closely with exporters, freight providers, and our origin team to ensure timely and accurate departure of shipments from origin ports, processing of import and shipping documents, and receipt of shipments at destination Manage relations and negotiate competitive pricing for customs, third-party warehouse services, and domestic freight carriers Establish and monitor key performance measurements for Sustainable Harvest origin teams as they relate to on-time deliveries to customers Key Responsibilities and Main Tasks In addition to the duties listed in the overview, the Traffic Manager will Supervise the work of the Coffee Operations Specialist Resolve all escalation issues related to shipments at origin, in transit, and at destination with exporters, shipping lines, insurance agency, customs brokers, port authorities, drayage companies, warehouses, and any brokerage agents Assure that any changes to shipments (i. e. timing, route, piece count, cost) is communicated to respective agents (i. e. customs brokers, shipping lines, warehouse), and internal teams (i. e. QC, sales, customer service, accounting) as needed Monitor import and export processes to ensure compliance with regulatory and legal requirements Manage shipping costs and times to recommend optimal transportation costs, modes, routes, and equipment Manage relationships and negotiations with shipping lines, customs broker, drayage companies, warehouses, and freight forwarding agenciesbrokers Maintain Sustainable Harvests status with C-TPAT and FDA Manage all irregular shipments: import service only, consolidations, non-green coffee, air freight, re-exports, etc. Monitor all shipments using Sustainable Harvests custom software to assure that all shipments reach an archived status in a timely manner (i. e. receipt of goods at warehouses, releases to customers) Provide metrics, reports, and process documentation related to shipments to other departments and customers as needed Minimum Education and Experience Requirements Bachelors degree 2 years in coffee logistics or purchasing Proficiency in Spanish preferred Knowledge of green coffee terminology (origins and types) Knowledge of logistics, Incoterms, certifications, and similar terminology Demonstrated experience managing third-party warehouses and related logistics, insurance, and reporting Experience in negotiating multi-modal domestic and international carrier rates and services (i. e. vessel and trucks) Ability to lead projects on hisher own initiative or as part of a team with staff from all levels of the organization Ability to communicate both verbal and in writing with people in multicultural environments Self-motivated, proactive, responsible, kind, caring, driven, and fair Basic knowledge of Mac equipment Basic knowledge of Microsoft Office (ExcelWord) Intermediate to advanced knowledge of inventory management and tracking systems Excellent problem solver Please send cover letter and resume to Jorge Cuevas at jorgesustainableharvest . Counter Culture Coffee Counter Culture Coffee National Hotel and Hospitality Sales Representative Durham, North Carolina Based in Durham, NC, with regional offices around the country, Counter Culture has been continuously innovating in the coffee industry since 1995and were looking for new team members to help us expand our efforts. Counter Culture Coffee is a relentless pursuit of coffee perfection. a dedication to real environmental, social, and fiscal sustainability. a commitment to creating cutting edge coffee people. Sales Representatives act as the first point of contact between Counter Culture and our potential Wholesale partners. The key function of this role is identifying, qualifying, and onboarding wholesale partners in the Hotel and Hospitality channels, focusing on single and multi unit operations located within cities where Counter Culture operates Training Centers. Sales team members must have not only a strong business skill set, but also a thorough knowledge of the food and beverage industry. They are smart, resourceful, and reliable, but, first and foremost, they genuinely care about people and coffee. Requirements At least three (3) years of sales experience in coffee, or a related industry, focusing specifically on Hotels and Restaurants Experience and knowledge of the hotel industry, and hotel-run food and beverage programs Prepare budgets 038 forecasts, understand and analyze a P038L 8211 both revenues and costs, and make decisions based on the insights gained from the metrics therein The ability to manage one8217s own time and schedule effectively. Available to work a flexible schedule including periodic overnight travel, as well as weekend and off-hours work A strong desire to nurture new wholesale partnerships appropriately A high aptitude for communication, and a strong desire to effectively communicate the mission and values of Counter Culture to prospective wholesale partners as well as the general public A willingness to be challenged, and an eagerness for professional education and growth. Basic technical expertise, and a willingness to learn about the equipment required to produce the highest quality coffee Valid drivers license and a clean driving record Desire to be a part of an amazing team of educators, technicians, and customer support representatives, and to participate in education and events for both the public and for our wholesale partners. Duties Work with management to create and execute a national sales strategy focused on the hospitality sector Develop appropriate programs for Restaurant, In-Room, and Banquet coffee service Quickly and accurately qualify all incomings leads, and follow up accordingly Source appropriate new business through effective cold calling and networking Act as a consultant to new wholesale partners in a manner consistent with Counter Culture core values Recommend and sell coffee equipment appropriately and with expertise End-to-end management of the process of onboarding new wholesale partners Participate in Training Center events including but not limited to labs, classes, tastings, workshops, and socials Contribute to Counter Cultures success by understanding and influencing leading indicators and metrics 90-day goals Satisfactory completion of Counter Culture Coffee sales orientation Effective demonstration of the ability to work without supervision and with other team members Effective demonstration of the ability to complete required tasks in a timely manner Effective demonstration of the ability to communicate with the National Sales Team Completion of at least four Counter Intelligence courses Compensation and Benefits This position will be paid an annual base salary, as well as commission Counter Culture will loan a computer and will pay a stipend towards your phone. This full-time position will be eligible for comprehensive Medical (90 Company Paid), Dental and Vision coverage after 30 days Participation in the companys profit sharing plan the first full quarter after 1 year of employment Immediately eligible to participate in the Counter Culture 401K program and, after 12 months of employment, be eligible for 401K matching Company Paid Life Insurance and Short Term Disability Flexible Spending Accounts for Healthcare and for Daycare Eligible for Green Fund and Pushing Potential Programs after 30 days All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, gender identity, or any other discriminating factors. Counter Culture Coffee Counter Culture Coffee Regional Sales Representative Chicago, Illinois Based in Durham, NC, with regional offices around the country, Counter Culture has been continuously innovating in the coffee industry since 1995and were looking for new team members to help us expand our efforts. Counter Culture Coffee is a relentless pursuit of coffee perfection. a dedication to real environmental, social, and fiscal sustainability. a commitment to creating cutting edge coffee people. Regional Sales Representatives act as the first point of contact between Counter Culture and our potential Wholesale partners. The key functions of this role are identifying and qualifying prospective wholesale partners across a variety of channels, and adding new, appropriate business to the designated region. Sales team members must have not only a strong business skill set, but also a thorough knowledge of the food and beverage industry. Counter Culture sales representatives are smart, resourceful, and reliable, but, first and foremost, they genuinely care about people and coffee. Requirements At least one (1) year of sales experience in coffee, or a related industry Experience and knowledge of the geography of the assigned regional markets and channels preferred The ability to manage one8217s own time and schedule effectively. Available to work a flexible schedule including periodic overnight travel, as well as weekend and off-hours work A strong desire to nurture new wholesale partnerships appropriately A high aptitude for communication, and a strong desire to effectively communicate the mission and values of Counter Culture to prospective wholesale partners as well as the general public A willingness to be challenged, and an eagerness for professional education and growth. Basic technical expertise, and a willingness to learn about the equipment required to produce the highest quality coffee Valid drivers license and a clean driving record Desire to be a part of an amazing regional team of educators, technicians, and customer support representatives, and to participate in education and events for both the public and for our wholesale partners. Duties Quickly and accurately qualify all incoming leads, and follow up accordingly Source appropriate new business through effective cold calling and networking Act as a consultant to new wholesale partners in a manner consistent with Counter Culture core values Recommend and sell coffee equipment appropriately and with expertise End-to-end management of the process of onboarding new wholesale partners Work with management to refine and execute sales strategy for the assigned region Participate in Training Center events including but not limited to labs, classes, tastings, workshops, and socials Contribute to regional success by understanding and influencing leading indicators and metrics 90-day goals Satisfactory completion of onsite Counter Culture Coffee orientation. Effective demonstration of the ability to work without supervision and with other regional team members. Effective demonstration of the ability to complete required tasks in a timely manner. Effective demonstration of the ability to communicate with the Sales Manager and follow directions. Completion of at least three Counter Intelligence labs including the Espresso Fundamentals Lab and Brew Science One. Compensation and Benefits This full-time position will be eligible for comprehensive Medical (90 Company Paid), Dental and Vision coverage after 30 days Participation in the companys profit sharing plan the first full quarter after 1 year of employment Immediately eligible to participate in the Counter Culture 401K program and, after 12 months of employment, be eligible for 401K matching Company Paid Life Insurance and Short Term Disability Flexible Spending Accounts for Healthcare and for Daycare Eligible for Green Fund and Pushing Potential Programs after 30 days Upon completion of all of these goals and a satisfactory review by a supervisor, the employee will secure a full-time, permanent position with Counter Culture Coffee. All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, gender identity, or any other discriminating factors. Revelator Coffee Company Revelator Coffee Company Wholesale Account Representative North and South Carolina Job Summary and Mission Reporting to the Executive Director of Wholesale, the Wholesale Account Representative develops, manages and coordinates with potential coffeetea partners while building strong training and support relationship with our new and current partners. This position also requires aligning our partners coffee program with Revelators vision, as well as quality standards. Revelators customer base is diverse including, restaurants, specialty cafes, hotels, ice cream parlors, and specialty grocery. The cornerstone of this position is a love of coffee and hospitality. Additional qualities needed are a competitive nature, computer skills, and time-management skills. Revelator Coffee Company is a start-up VC-backed company based in Birmingham with retail locations in Tennessee, New Orleans, Birmingham, Atlanta, and Charleston. Our team is comprised of a diverse group of smart, ambitious, and creative individuals from across the country. Our culture is forward and modern. We8217re looking for not only a coffee sales professional and team-player, but also a great fit. If youre ready to help bring amazing products to life, please apply and join us. Wholesale Account Representative Job Description Canvassing market for potential customerpartners and cold calling on those potential partners Manages new business and existing accounts, providing customer support. Works with our partners to manage and build upon existing relationships. Provides support to growing Revelators business and in turn the business of our partners by providing coffee education, marketing support, equipment support, and quality assurance, while acting as a liaison between Revelator and the brewing partner. Prioritize work tasks and manage time effectively Prioritize time and account visits based on tiered accounts Maintain information and communication in an organized manner Maintain work areas and customer information in an organized manner (paperwork, files, etc.) Stay focused on job responsibilities, objectives and goals Sample customer products and observe product execution to ensure product quality standards. Provides support and works with roasting plant personnel, such as customer service and our roastingproduction team, to ensure efficient fulfillment of orders. Conduct customer cuppings, tastings and equipment demos to increase consumer awareness and education. Provide reports weekly to the Executive Director of Wholesale. Sample customer products and observe product execution to ensure product quality standards ensures on-going communication about account activity. Other responsibilities and special projects as assigned by the Executive Director of Wholesale. Education andor Work Experience Requirements Three years experience as a specialty coffee barista. Sales experience is preferred Superb customer service skills. Excellent written and oral communication skills. Strong initiative, motivation and self-management skills. Coffee equipment knowledge preferred but not required. Willingness to travel locally or regionally. Valid Drivers License is a must. Absolutely must be inspired by coffee and coffee preparation. Ability to communicate in a professional constructive manner Excel and Microsoft knowledge Ability to safely and successfully perform the essential job functions consistent with the ADA, FMLA and other federal, state and local standards, including meeting qualitative andor quantitative productivity standards. Ability to maintain regular, punctual attendance consistent with the ADA, FMLA and other federal, state and local standards Must be able to talk, listen and speak clearly on telephone Please submit cover letter and resume to jobsrevelatorcoffee The Alliance for Coffee Excellence The Alliance for Coffee Excellence Information and Content Coordinator Portland, Oregon Who we are The Alliance for Coffee Excellence (ACE) is a nonprofit, global membership organization that upholds the highest standards in specialty coffee through our program Cup of Excellence. COE entails 1) rigorous juried coffee competitions in coffee origin countries and 2) online auctions of winning coffees, with the vast majority of proceeds going back to the farmers. We further support coffee excellence through intensive cupper training and other projects. ACE and COE are governed by a board of directors, composed of specialty coffee leaders and innovators from around the world. ACE provides exceptional service to its members, who span more than fifty countries, uniting coffee professionals and supporters who are passionate about quality coffee, and empowering specialty coffee producers. Job Description Help shape the future of The Alliance for Coffee Excellence We have an immediate opening for a full-time Information and Content Coordinator. The Information and Content Coordinator will manage ACEs website, provide logistical and informational support to staff and a global network of members and in-country partners and create and enhance the organizations social media. The successful staff member must be flexible and adaptable, and have strong organizational skills, a high degree of attention to detail, lots of energy and the ability to work independently while completing responsibilities and projects. Position is based in Portland, Oregon and would report to the Executive Director of ACE. Specific Responsibilities Manage, post and edit all website information in a creative and timely manner Work with the site8217s content producers, determining the type, quality and quantity of content needed for the website Monitor site statistics, user demographics, traffic flow and search engine placement Generate all necessary reports from website platform Work with other team members to provide content Coordinate all sub-contractors for website and auction platforms Support daily needs of Auction, Website and IT platforms Supervise and create social media integration with the Marketing and Operational teams Create and manage data driven research and export necessary data bases Create certificates based on registrations Work with small team to ensure success of organization Desired Skills and Qualifications Undergraduate degree or proven experience with experience in computer science, web development, marketing or communications, a plus. Successful project management Proven working experience HTML web with content management Knowledge of technical management, information analysis and of computer hardwaresoftware systems Ability to build and maintain website design Flexible and adaptable in terms of daily job responsibilities and work schedules Excellent interpersonal and communication skills Experience with wordpress desired Familiar with eCommerce Ability to prioritize competing deadlines and multi-task with a strong sense of urgency Computer skills and full knowledge of all Web Design Software e. g. Quark, Adobe, Photoshop, etc. Research savvy Culturally sensitive Experience communicating with ESL speakers a plus Benefits 8211 Health care for full time employees, 401K, Salary depending on experience ACE is an Equal OpportunityAffirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive equal consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identityexpression, age, disability, genetic information, military service, coveredprotected veteran status or any other federal, state or local protected class. Please email your resume and a cover letter to supportcupofexcellence. org Sightglass Coffee Sightglass Coffee Account ManagerCoffee Educator Los Angeles, California The Account Manager and Coffee Educator is a vital role within the Sightglass Wholesale coffee program, acting as the face of our brand and ensuring a high level of coffee quality through direct account support. Our Account Manager and Coffee Educators act as focal points for excitement and passion surrounding the world of contemporary specialty coffee, and are immensely valuable resources to Sightglass wholesale partners coffee programs. The Account Managers mission is to maintain positive relationships with our wholesale partners, keeping them happy, engaged and focused on presenting our coffee and brand to an excellent standard and inspire and lead wholesale partners, retail staff and colleagues towards a higher understanding and appreciation of coffee quality through an intrinsic passion for coffee education. This position reports to the Director of Wholesale. Associates degree, preferred (or equivalent combination of experience and education) 2 years of Specialty Coffee industry experience High level of barista skill including coffee preparation and customer service Demonstrated passion and enthusiasm for coffee Public speaking experience preferred Coffee education or training experience preferred Proficiency in Microsoft Word and Excel, online search engines, email, Google docs 038 calendar management, as well as recognizable strengths in utilizing a variety of online database programs Must have a current and valid California drivers license with good driving record Access to personal vehicle preferred but not required, mileage reimbursement is provided Ability to work full time, flexible hours predominantly but not exclusively between Monday and Friday Ability to take occasional overnight travel for specific account visits Must have the maturity to use discretion and diplomacy in all aspects of the job Key Skills and Capabilities Communication Timely responses to emails, phone calls, and all other inquiries High level of verbal and written skill Clear and direct with day to day correspondence, as well as potentially challenging conversation. Comfortable with public speaking Organization Excellent time management with individual and group schedules Efficient use of our shared office and training spaces Organized in management of shared documents, tasks and team projects Attention to Detail Careful thought given to design and aesthetic presentation of all customer facing elements of our wholesale program. (collateral, coffees, educational material, cuppings and tastings, etc.) Meticulous approach to coffee brewing, tasting, sourcing Measured and thorough with QC, education and trainings, other team projects Instruction Comfortable and effective in leading and teaching peers and wholesale partners about coffee Ability to inspire and excite a passion for coffee in others Education and Training Maintain a high level of knowledge and understanding of our sourcing, roasting and brewing methods, seasonal coffee offerings, educational curriculum, and overall wholesale coffee program. Implement, audit and organize the standard Sightglass Education and Training curriculum for wholesale partnerpublic development. Write and peer review extended educational content for focus labs, supplementing our standard curriculum. Communicate both general and technical information in an enthusiastic and approachable manner that is easily absorbed by our audience, creating a sense of excitement around Sightglass, our products, and our methods. Provide follow up feedback for class participants and schedule visits to relevant accounts for further development. Work with other members of the support and service teams to maintain and schedule classes, labs, trainings, public and general events using a shared calendar and training space. Manage the organization, appearance and cleanliness of training space. Order and stock fresh supply of coffee for training and education purposes. Conduct periodic quality control exercises to assist with brewing recommendations for new coffees. Work closely with the Sales team to carefully take ownership of new accounts, and maintain healthy relationships with existing accounts. Participate in weekly wholesale team meetings and report basic account activity. Create and maintain daily, proper account records and activities in our CRM. Perform ongoing account visits on a weekly basis. Perform basic equipment maintenance and calibration (replacing gaskets, screens, burrs). Facilitate tech service for emergency and quarterly preventative maintenance using our 3rd party and in-house technical service resources. Conduct quarterly, comprehensive account reviews with each wholesale partner. Utilize our education curriculum for on-site trainings and professional development for baristas and other wholesale partner staff members. Organize and facilitate creative coffee-related events for the general public and specific wholesale accounts. Attend softgrand openings and other major account events. Work with our Internal Wholesale Account Coordinator to identify at risk accounts who have stopped ordering or need assistance with emergency coffee orders. Provide basic sales support by assisting tastings, visits and occasional sales meetings. Provide expert advice and consultation on new menu offerings, recipes, in-house training, and overall coffee program development to wholesale accounts. Please email your resume and a cover letter to careerssightglasscoffee Groundwork Coffee Groundwork Coffee Grocery Account Specialist North Hollywood, California Groundwork Coffee specializes in batch-roasted, certified organic coffees and artisanal teas. From our humble roots as a rare book store and cafe back in 1990, Groundwork would go on to become one of the first certified organic coffee roasters in Southern California, as well as the largest organic coffee roaster in Los Angeles. A truly local pioneer in fair trade and fairly traded coffee and tea sourcing, we remain committed to sustainable business practices, including maintaining direct relationships with growers and importers who promote responsible coffee and tea production. From the ground up, Groundwork is steadfast in its commitment to the values of quality, sustainability and community. We are looking for a full-time, mid-level Grocery Account Specialist to service organic 038 high-end grocery store accounts. Candidates interested in mid-level sales, mid-level account management, and customer account management are urged to apply. Schedule Monday to Friday from 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. Additional hours for special projects or field work may be required Rate of Pay DOE plus travel and mileage reimbursement, as needed. Position Responsibilities and Tasks Use our CRMAccounting tools (SugarCRMQuickbooksNowCommerce) to monitor account health and identify areas of strength, risk, opportunity, and threats. Qualify wholesalegrocery customer eligibility based on company requirements and forward to the correct department. Partner with Customer Service Representative8217s to meet and exceed customers8217 service expectations. Provide timely, accurate, helpful, and insightful information to customerprospect regarding products and services. Generate accurate and timely sales orders and invoices with minimal errors and process customer changescreditsreturns according to established department policies and procedures. Maintain current customer contact information Increase brand awareness, positive product impressions and increased sales through product knowledge, customer engagement and effective communication of brand talking points. Collaborate with Grocery Sales team to push recommended targets and ensure complete coverage of existing and potential customer accounts (including, but not limited to 8211 upselling orders, notifying accounts of special promotions, 038 sharing product knowledge). Follow guided report analysis to ensure account health and engagement. Provide timely feedback to the Company regarding service failures or customerprospect concerns. Perform other clerical duties such as filing, photocopying, collating paperwork, faxing, screen and forward incoming phone calls while providing basic information, and other tasks as needed. Travel may be required for training8217s, meetings, or other scheduled events. Follow all Company and Store policies when conducting field visits. Continually grow product knowledge through resourcefulness, research, and company-provided training, fueled by your curiosity and interest in the business. Education, Skills and Experience Fluent in spoken and written English. Bi-lingual a plus. High School diploma or Associate8217s Degree and 1 year exp. working in grocery, sales, customer service, or related field. Business-to-business product and services experience, working with a sales rep force. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Ability to listen effectively. Excellent critical thinking, problem solving, and organizational skills with extreme attention to detail. Ability to manage proactive and reactive tasks effectively The ability to expertly articulate product features and benefits. Strong presentation and negotiation skills Interact in a friendly, enthusiastic, energetic and outgoing manner with management, clients, and consumers in any setting. Able to work both independently and as a team in order to drive projects and fulfill deadlines. Comfortable with changing work environments standing, walking, sitting, or driving. Exhibits professionalism, punctuality, and office etiquette. QuickBooks software experience. Microsoft Word 038 Excel savvy. Please send cover letter and resume to jobsgroundworkcoffee Groundwork Coffee Groundwork Coffee Food Service Account Specialist North Hollywood, California Groundwork Coffee specializes in batch-roasted, certified organic coffees and artisanal teas. From our humble roots as a rare book store and cafe back in 1990, Groundwork would go on to become one of the first certified organic coffee roasters in Southern California, as well as the largest organic coffee roaster in Los Angeles. A truly local pioneer in fair trade and fairly traded coffee and tea sourcing, we remain committed to sustainable business practices, including maintaining direct relationships with growers and importers who promote responsible coffee and tea production. From the ground up, Groundwork is steadfast in its commitment to the values of quality, sustainability and community. We are looking for a full-time, mid-level Food Service Account Specialist to service organic 038 high-end food service accounts. Candidates interested in mid-level sales, mid-level account management, and customer account management are urged to apply. Schedule Monday to Friday from 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. Additional hours for special projects or field work may be required Rate of Pay DOE plus travel and mileage reimbursement, as needed. Position Responsibilities and Tasks Use our CRMAccounting tools (SugarCRMQuickbooksNowCommerce) to monitor account health and identify areas of strength, risk, opportunity, and threats. Qualify food service customer eligibility based on company requirements and forward to the correct department. Partner with Customer Service Representative8217s to meet and exceed customers8217 service expectations. Provide timely, accurate, helpful, and insightful information to customerprospect regarding products and services. Generate accurate and timely sales orders and invoices with minimal errors and process customer changescreditsreturns according to established department policies and procedures. Maintain current customer contact information Increase brand awareness, positive product impressions and increased sales through product knowledge, customer engagement and effective communication of brand talking points. Collaborate with Sales team to push recommended targets and ensure complete coverage of existing and potential customer accounts (including, but not limited to: upselling orders, notifying accounts of special promotions, 038 sharing product knowledge). Follow guided report analysis to ensure account health and engagement. Provide timely feedback to the Company regarding service failures or customerprospect concerns. Perform other clerical duties such as filing, photocopying, collating paperwork, faxing, screen and forward incoming phone calls while providing basic information, and other tasks as needed. Travel may be required for training8217s, meetings, or other scheduled events. Follow all Company and Store policies when conducting field visits. Continually grow product knowledge through resourcefulness, research, and company-provided training, fueled by your curiosity and interest in the business. Education, Skills and Experience Fluent in spoken and written English. Bi-lingual a plus. High School diploma or Associate8217s Degree and 1 year exp. working in food service, sales, customer service, or related field. Business-to-business product and services experience, working with a sales rep force. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Ability to listen effectively. Excellent critical thinking, problem solving, and organizational skills with extreme attention to detail. Ability to manage proactive and reactive tasks effectively The ability to expertly articulate product features and benefits. Strong presentation and negotiation skills Interact in a friendly, enthusiastic, energetic and outgoing manner with management, clients, and consumers in any setting. Able to work both independently and as a team in order to drive projects and fulfill deadlines. Comfortable with changing work environments standing, walking, sitting, or driving. Exhibits professionalism, punctuality, and office etiquette. QuickBooks software experience. Microsoft Word 038 Excel savvy. Please send cover letter and resume to jobsgroundworkcoffee PTs Coffee Roasting Co. PTs Coffee Roasting Co. eCommerce Administrator Topeka, Kansas Our Mission Exceptional Coffee Lifelong Friendships Wisdom to Appreciate Both Core Values How we accomplish our mission is an important as the mission itself Fundamental to our success are these core values Service 8211 Go the extra mile on service. Do more than the customer expects. Help them to succeed. Be proactive and timely. Quality 8211 Seek the best coffees grown on earth, pay a fair price, roast to order, teach and follow proper grinding and extraction standards, and serve it fresh. Never, ever accept less and help our customers to do the same. Caring 8211 Our commitment is to our customers, our co-workers, our community and the farmers who produce the coffee we buy, roast and sell. Frugal 8211 Be cautious and prudent with expenditures without compromising quality, efficiency, accuracy, or value to the customer. Integrity 8211 Be honest, professional, and ethical in all dealings. Consistency 038 Improvement 8211 Never stop learning. Constantly create and improve systems to increase accuracy, eciency, and consistency. Always put the customers needs rst. Job Introduction 8211 The eCommerce Administrator is responsible for running and growing the eCommerce business while creating the best possible customer experience. The role is responsible for implementing the overall eCommerce strategy including optimizing site features, inventory forecasting and management, site merchandising and optimization, and researching and reporting of web analytics and web technologies. Role will work closely with the Customer Service Department to ensure a good user experience. Role will also work with marketing to implement a promotional calendar, marketingadvertising programs, and website content. An ideal candidate will have 2 years experience in eCommerce and a working knowledge of Google Analytics, Adwords, and other tools. Shopify experience a plus. WordPress experience a must. Summary of Role Work with eCommerce tools to build traffic and sales via the website and other channels (Shopify, Adwords, Mailchimp, Google Shopping, Amazon) Plan, define, and implement website changes and functional improvements Monitor key performance indicators on the website and develop plans to improve them Responsible for uploading product images, copy, and other content to the site Facilitates online store settings and maintenance tied to products and promotions Research Google Keyword Planner for SEO optimization when creating content for product detail pages Work with Operations Manager to audit inventory Work with marketing and design team to help execute online marketing strategies and promotions Qualifications and Skills Understanding of the disciplines required to drive traffic to retail websites (PPC, email marketing, link generation, online pr, SEO, offline marketing and pr, affiliate programs, etc.) Understanding basic web technologies (FTP, browsers, basic HTML) 1-2 years relevant experience in eCommerce, including experience with CMS. WordPress and Shopify experience preferred Understanding of content management tools and site analytics technologies Detailed Responsibilities Include Website Update product information and content on the website Keep content managed areas updated (copy and artwork) Manage website configuration and parameters (ie inventory management, subscriptions, payment gateways, etc.) Investigate and report any operationaltechnical issues arising Scope and document ongoing website functional projects improvements Test and deploy functional projects improvements Evaluate approaches and strategies to improve website sales conversions and customer engagement Create promotional codes based on digital marketing strategy Maintain other sales channels and resolve errors (Google Shopping, Amazon, Facebook, etc.) Marketing Understand and develop sources of traffic: Mailchimp, SEO, PPC, affiliates, social media, etc. Work with marketing team to implement and support campaigns Investigate, evaluate, and assess new ways of generating additional traffic conversions Produce reports to analyze the performance of all online marketing campaigns and promotions The listed duties must be learned and accomplished within 90 days of being hired. All resources necessary to accomplish these goals will be made available. In addition to performing the specific production duties listed above, each employee is required to learn about coffee and embody our company vision. Employees are encouraged to participate in cuppings and workshops held by PTs. If you have a passion for learning more about coffee and the dynamics of its production and distribution throughout the world, then this is the perfect place to start Please send cover letter and resume to autumnptscoffee The Four Seasons Silicon Valley The Four Seasons Silicon Valley Full Time Barista East Palo Alto, California Be a part of our Grand Opening Join our Four Seasons Silicon Valley Team We are seeking individuals who are passionate about coffee and crafting a third wave coffee experience for our guests. As a Barista, you will curate the customers experience by sharing your knowledge and enthusiasm in a genuine way. You will drive the coffee culture and assist in the daily operations of the caf. Our New Concept This new concept will enhance the guest experience. Our brand new Coffee Shop is part of a 3 million dollar renovation that will introduce an entirely new Food and Beverage experience to our local and hotel guests. The concept reflects the cosmopolitan food culture of Silicon Valley with a focus on providing the finest selection of artisanal products available from the Bay Area and beyond. If you want to be part of the third wave coffee movement, as well as something brand new and exciting, we encourage you to apply. So bring your ideas, passion, and love for coffee to Four Seasons. Current barista experience is required. Please send cover letter and resume to kyle. teaguefourseasons Front Coffee Wholesale Sales Manager San Francisco, California Seeking an actively engaged coffee enthusiast committed to building strategic relationships with key consumers and industry leaders. Ideal candidate will bring contacts in the coffee industry and ideas about best ways to grow the wholesale business. Primary Objectives Expand FRONT wholesale account business Create and drive wholesale sales strategy, being accountable for growth objectives and financial results. Establish, maintain and develop relationships with all current and prospective clients. Create and meet sales revenue plans Account Management In addition to building the wholesale business, the sales manager will engage and support our current roster of wholesale clients to grow their accounts and ensure retention. This person will serve as the face of FRONT in wholesale and retail markets, acting as the chief brand ambassador. Business Development The sales manager will work with our education and operations manager to strategize business development initiatives. She will assist in the development and execution of marketing plans and collaborate with the team to develop the media communication strategy. Special events FRONT offers special events including coffee sampling, cupping, buying, and other activities. The sales manager will partner with the operations team to support our current clients and business partners with client coffee events and activities. Qualifications Sales experience a must. 5 Years in Coffee Sales or Wholesale, with extensive knowledge of the coffee industry. Organized, efficient, analytical, pro-active. Experience with craft coffee, and developing coffee programs. Motivated to own the wholesale business of FRONT and grow with our company members. Salary 8211 DOE fx. Please send cover letter and resume to amandathearcherysf Allegro Coffee Company Allegro Coffee Company Equipment Maintenance Supervisor Thornton, Colorado Provides supervision of Allegros plant maintenance team and the maintenance of manufacturing and distribution equipment. Responsible for ensuring that all quality, cost, safety, training, and operational standards are achieved in support of overall company goals. Responsibilities Oversees the day to day tasks of the maintenance team across all shifts. Manages maintenance requests, coordinates with Plant Operations Leadership to determine priorities, and assigns jobs to technicians. Develops key performance indicators. Measures and tracks against benchmarks and developmental plans. Responsible for maintenance and repair of all plant equipment. Identifies, trouble-shoots, and resolve maintenance related problems. Oversees equipment inspections and maintain required documentation. Committed to training and sustaining a high level of awareness around safety. Develop andor assist with facility projects. Participates in the selection and management of contractors and equipment. Directly develops a preventativepredictive maintenance program to ensure the reliability and sustainability of equipment to reduce and eliminate unplanned stopsbreakdowns while lengthening asset life. Maintains open, cooperative, and participatory communication throughout the entire organization. Ensures that standard operating procedures (SOPs) and any other required documentations are written, validated, followed, and maintained. Manage, lead, coach, develop and evaluate Maintenance Team Members. Know, enforce, and maintain compliance in step with OSHA, GMP, SQF, Organic, Colorado Air Emissions Standards, EPA and FDA standards. Qualifications Individual will have previous supervisory experience as well as demonstrated mechanical ability with knowledge of basic electrical, pneumatic, and mechanical systems. Must be able to read and understand schematics, blueprints, maintenanceoperator manuals. Must have well-developed verbal and written communication skills. Must possess competent computer skills, report analyzing, scheduling, and project management. Must have previous experience in goal setting and budget developing. Knowledge of Lean Manufacturing a plus. Individual must be able to meet physical requirements of the job and possess a strong commitment to continuous improvement utilizing an appropriate hands-on, cooperative approach to team work. At Whole Foods Market we provide a fair and equal employment opportunity for all team members and candidates regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or disability. Whole Foods Market hires and promotes individuals solely on the basis of their qualifications for the position to be filled. Only online applications will be accepted. Please apply here. Stumptown Coffee Roasters Stumptown Coffee Roasters Cold Brew Coffee Brand Manager Portland, Oregon We work hard. We have tremendous amounts of respect for each other and for what we do. We are progressive, open and evolving, but uncompromising in our commitment to quality. We are focused on sustainable growth and value everyones contribution and we also have lots of fun together. We are passionate group of folks, some might even say obsessive. No matter which team were on, were sourcing, roasting, tasting, testing, practicing and pushing ourselves to do it better. And we drink the best office coffee on the planet. Summary The Manager of Cold Brew Coffee Brand will help drive the overall sales of Stumptown Cold Brew. A comprehensive brand management approach is needed to manage product, packaging and pricing as well as diverse channel strategies. Key focus areas will include strategic execution of Cold Brew into distribution, grocery, and Stumptown retail cafes, as well as enhancing Cold Brew offerings and solutions for our direct wholesale customers (cafes, offices, restaurants). Additionally, the Brand Manager will work closely with the operations team on future innovation and continued positioning within the cold brew category as a thought leader. Essential Functions Head the annual planning process for Cold Brew Coffee Run the development of the Stumptown Cold Brew brand in the areas that include, but are not limited to package design, product development, forecasting, pricing, product positioning, communications, sales launch and marketing materials Lead cross functional teams on assigned business or project development initiatives that include wholesale channel, grocery business development, and retail cafs Identify key strategies to drive awareness and demand deliver with flawless execution through social media, events and public relations Analyze pricing dynamics internally and externally to help drive pricing strategy across all channels to drive revenue and margin Work closely with internal and external creative and project management teams to develop marketing and sales materials supporting key initiatives Lead the internal communication on all new products and extensions Manage projects on time and on budget including the business P038L to drive top line sales and increased margin Research and interpret data to determine trends and key performance indicators and business drivers Complete program analysis to determine ROI and make future recommendations Demonstrate decision-making abilities around investment alternatives that mitigate risk and maximize return Maintain complete awareness of platform financials including inventory, forecasts, supply chain, COGS, etc. Evaluate program effectiveness and make subsequent recommendations Leverage data, trends and support from creative, sales and financial teams Offer strategic input based upon insights, customer feedback and competitive knowledge Retain thorough understanding of the competition (products, activities, and performance) Coach, mentor and develop team members Recruit and retain talent as necessary Supervisory responsibilities Directly manage team Qualifications College degree, MBA preferred Minimum of five years of sales brand and marketing experience Food industry background and CPG brand management a plus Passionate about driving brand and platform growth with demonstrated ability to develop and execute programs. Understanding of three tier distribution and multi-channel distribution models Effective and proven project management skills Experience with market research, specifically with syndicated data Able to lead and inspire cross functional teams to deliver strong innovation plans and outcomes Excellent interpersonal and communication skills presentation and written. Capable of writingevaluating initiative and communications briefs Entrepreneur can-do attitude to find ways to break down growth barriers Demonstrated positive energy to effectively represent brand and platform internally and externally Ability to pull insights and multiple sources and synthesize into a compelling story for growth and change Strong skills and experience with diagnosing and resolving complex problems and opportunities Ability to craft vision and strategy and make it come to life with actionable plans. Experience with strategy development, integrated marketing planning, and innovation processes Strong analytical, influence and decision making skills Ability to work independently (self-motivated) and complete projects within required timeframes. Driven and guided by own energy, commitments and willingness to translate ideas into action Ability to travel Physical Demands Ability to sit continuously at a computer Carry weight, lift lift up to 5 pounds frequently and up to 50 pounds occasionally TasteSmell ability to detect and perceive smell of coffee Standing ability to stand for long periods Work environment Work takes place in an office environment We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, genetic information, medical condition, veteran status, or any other class protected by local, state or federal law. Please send cover letter and resume to jobsstumptowncoffee Sisters Coffee Company Sisters Coffee Company Director of Finance Sisters, Oregon Sisters Coffee Company, based in beautiful Sisters, Oregon is looking for a dedicated servant-leader to join our growing company as our new Director of Finance. Sisters Coffee is a family-owned roastery that focuses on sourcing and crafting high quality coffees. We have two cafes, in Sisters and in Portland, along with a wholesale program that services all sorts of great folks in those two areas. This position is based at our roastery and flagship cafe in Sisters. At Sisters Coffee we get excited about individuals who have a passion for coffee, are innately caring 038 helpful, and strive for excellence in everything the set their hand to. Key Responsibilities As Director of Finance, you will report to the CEO and work shoulder-to-shoulder with our hard-working, passionate and fun-loving Directors Team. In this position you will: Manage key financial and administrative responsibilities Meet weekly with fellow Directors and update team on overall financial status of company Lead Finance team as chief accounting officer, managing 2-3 team members. Collaborate with company CPA and attorney Manage cash flow and analyze data for six (6) different profit centers Collaborate with CEO on setting key financial goals and assist with multi-year strategic planning Manage HR responsibilities Qualifications Humble, approachable, full of integrity with strong leadership skills and desire to learn and improve Genuinely open and curious nature with a passion for discovery based on data-driven results Ability to focus on the important details while being aware of the overall purpose and vision Strong communication skills and ability to work in a team environment Bachelors Degree in Accounting, CPA preferred 5 years of corporate accounting experience and 3 years of leadership experience Strong problem solving skills and attraction to working in a fast-paced, momentum-building environment Knowledge of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and Practices Knowledge of HR, Payroll and Tax Reporting laws Proficiency in QuickBooks, Microsoft Excel and Word, Google Platforms, and Square POS Compensation DOE (Depends on Experience) What we offer Competitive salary A positive and growth oriented work culture Health Benefits Aflac Wellness Program Vacation and Sick Leave Employee discount Please send cover letter and resume to justinsisterscoffee . The America Barista 038 Coffee School The American Barista 038 Coffee School Coffee Educator Portland, Oregon The American Barista 038 Coffee School is seeking a dynamic, coffee-passionate team member We offer regular workshops for individuals who want to open a coffee business, and we need a coffee educator to help our students succeed. We8217re looking for someone with coffee and people skills to join our team of trainers. This is a part-time, contracted position, but there is potential for it to be a full-time position. There is possible travel for on-site trainings, so flexibility is needed. The Coffee Educator position is comprised of two major areas working as a barista trainer in ABCS and content creationimplementation for our Online Barista Training platform. This position requires strong organizational skills and the ability to prioritize tasks and maintain timelines. This employee must be able to understand the concepts of coffee origins, roasting, grinding, and brewing with all coffee makers including espresso and espresso beverages. We8217re looking for someone who can assist with adapting and updating our curriculum as the industry changes. ABCS Work one week per month as a trainer for Business 038 Barista Workshops Work 2.5 days per quarter as a trainer for the Barista Training Workshops Potential to lead custom and on-site hands-on trainings Complete cleanup and preparation for classes (including coffee orders, lunch orders, materials needed, maintaining school, scheduling trainers, etc.) Be part of support team for new and existing ABCSBellissimo clients Online Barista Training Develop and create content Develop specialty coffee educational content for downloadable purchase Create specialty coffee educational content for custom training platforms Work with OBT management staff to produce and implement new content on a consistent and regular schedule Work with OBT management staff to update current content to fit with ABCS workshop curriculum Work with the rest of the ABCS staff to schedule and produce content: webinars, live Q038A sessions, lectures, instructional videos, etc. Education Ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing College experience preferred Minimum two years of coffee experience Able to carry a variety of tasks, often changing frequently and meeting deadlines Please send cover letter and resume to catiecoffeebusiness Stumptown Coffee Roasters Stumptown Coffee Roasters Cafe Manager Los Angeles, California Summary Work directly with the retail team in managing the caf and communicating with all company departments in order to provide an unsurpassed coffee experience. Provide continued leadership to caf employees and direct retail operations in assigned cafe. Essential Functions Create an exceptional coffee experience and be a coffee industry leader Lead and direct the business activities of the caf Serve as the voice and the face of Stumptown Manage inventory and all monetary transactions Ensure quality by proper training of all caf employees Attend regular meetings with the general manager and training manager Conduct staff meetings with caf personnel on a regular basis Maintain caf maintenance and cleanliness Educate customers on all of our products Maintain high quality and consistent product standards Cup and taste coffee regularly to maintain familiarity with product and quality standards Stay informed of new coffee availability and attributes Other duties as assigned Supervisory responsibilities Manage caf employees Qualifications Demonstrated passion and enthusiasm for coffee Customer service that is executed in a personal and professional manner Experience and proficiency with Stumptown espresso preparation standards Desire to educate others about our coffee and espresso methods People management skills Strong attention to detail Great communication skills with both employees and customers Open to criticism and constantly striving to improve Ability to multi-task with ease Physical Demands Stand and walkmust be able to stand for shifts and move about the caf Perform repetitive motion with the hands, wrists and forearms to operate espresso machinery TasteSmell ability to detect and perceive smell of coffee Talkhear frequently communicates with customers Carry weight, lift lift up to 5 pounds frequently and up to 50 pounds occasionally Work environment Work is performed at the cafe The work environment can be noisy We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, genetic information, medical condition, veteran status, or any other class protected by local, state or federal law. Please send cover letter and resume to jobsstumptowncoffee Baratza Customer SupportOperation Bellevue, Washington Baratza, the leading designer and manufacturer of innovative, precision burr coffee grinders for the home, is looking to hire a new customer supportoperations person for our headquarters in Bellevue, WA. The Baratza operations and customer support team is known for exceptional customer support, which includes getting orders out the door quickly, troubleshooting and fixing grinders both over the phone and via email so that our customers have minimal downtime between a broken grinder and brewing great coffee. We are searching for a dedicated team player, with knowledge of brewing coffee, solid verbal and written communication skills, and mechanical aptitude to join our small but awesome operations team. You HAVE to love to help people to be successful in this role Key duties include Provide exceptional technical support by phone and email for wholesale and retail customers. Input invoices into QuickBooks Pull and ship parts and grinder orders Service and refurb grinders. Qualifications Enjoy working with people, including over the phone. Ability to be patient and positive with frustrated, (and sometimes) annoyed customers. Proven customer support experience. Ability to connect with people for where they are in their coffeegrinder knowledge Mechanical ability, to service and refurb grinders Detail-oriented and logical approach to problem-solving. Flexible, with the ability to multi-task, prioritize and manage time efficiently with minimal guidance. Good typist with excellent written communication skills Demonstrated interest and knowledge in the Specialty Coffee industry, especially grinding and brewing coffee. Physical Demands Ability to stand, bend, and lift 60 pounds Ability to sit at a computer or on the phone for long stretches. Can work in close quarters with others. Work Environment The work is mainly in an office and warehouse. This is a full time hourly position with health insurance, paid vacation, tuition reimbursement and a 401k Plan. Please write and tell us why you think youd be the person we want to join our small team to support our fast growing customer base. Please enclose an up to date resume detailing your wonderful skills, talents and experience and email to DianeBaratza Counter Culture Coffee Counter Culture Coffee Field Operative North Carolina Based in Durham, NC, with regional offices around the country, Counter Culture has been continuously innovating in the coffee industry since 1995and were looking for new team members to help us expand our efforts. Counter Culture Coffee is a relentless pursuit of coffee perfection. a dedication to real environmental, social, and fiscal sustainability. a commitment to creating cutting-edge coffee people. As a member of the grocery customer support team, the key function of this role is to act as Counter Culture Coffees grocery demo lead. Field operatives act as brand ambassadors and are the liaison between Counter Culture and our grocery retail customers. Demo team members should possess a strong willingness and enthusiasm for customer serviceand a desire to learn more about coffee and pass this knowledge on to consumers. This role is a public facing job, so you must have a knack for engaging customers with a friendly and pleasant demeanor while sharing the message of the Counter Culture brand and coffee philosophy. This is a contracted part timetemporary position with irregularity in scheduled hours. There will be travel within regions and occasional overnight trips, but with flexibility in scheduling. Training will be provided on retail demos as per Counter Culture demo standards. Requirements Efficient time management, ability to work part time hours with flexible scheduling with little supervision Reliable, accountable, and professional demeanor, with strong interest in customer service Completion of demo training and orientation, as well as completion of test Ability to stand and perform demos for 3 hour shifts some light lifting of demo kits required Overnight travel on occasion Valid Drivers License and Insured Vehicle Duties Set up demo table and brew and serve coffee in grocery accounts Perform 3 hour demo per Counter Culture demo standards Clean up and check out with retail management before departure Desire to share passion for Counter Culture coffee to retail customers Benefits Be a part of the Counter Culture family Free enrollment in Counter Intelligence Courses Eligibility to win awesome prizes This is a contracted part time position with flexible scheduling per the Grocery Account Lead. All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, gender identity, or any other discriminating factors. Counter Culture Coffee Counter Culture Coffee Regional Sales Representative Los Angeles, California Based in Durham, NC, with regional offices around the country, Counter Culture has been continuously innovating in the coffee industry since 1995and were looking for new team members to help us expand our efforts. Counter Culture Coffee is a relentless pursuit of coffee perfection. a dedication to real environmental, social, and fiscal sustainability. a commitment to creating cutting edge coffee people. Regional Sales Representatives act as the first point of contact between Counter Culture and our potential Wholesale partners. The key functions of this role are identifying and qualifying prospective wholesale partners across a variety of channels, and adding new, appropriate business to the designated region. Sales team members must have not only a strong business skill set, but also a thorough knowledge of the food and beverage industry. Counter Culture sales representatives are smart, resourceful, and reliable, but, first and foremost, they genuinely care about people and coffee. Requirements At least one (1) year of sales experience in coffee, or a related industry Experience and knowledge of the geography of the assigned regional markets and channels preferred The ability to manage one8217s own time and schedule effectively. Available to work a flexible schedule including periodic overnight travel, as well as weekend and off-hours work A strong desire to nurture new wholesale partnerships appropriately A high aptitude for communication, and a strong desire to effectively communicate the mission and values of Counter Culture to prospective wholesale partners as well as the general public A willingness to be challenged, and an eagerness for professional education and growth. Basic technical expertise, and a willingness to learn about the equipment required to produce the highest quality coffee Valid drivers license and a clean driving record Desire to be a part of an amazing regional team of educators, technicians, and customer support representatives, and to participate in education and events for both the public and for our wholesale partners. Duties Quickly and accurately qualify all incoming leads, and follow up accordingly Source appropriate new business through effective cold calling and networking Act as a consultant to new wholesale partners in a manner consistent with Counter Culture core values Recommend and sell coffee equipment appropriately and with expertise End-to-end management of the process of onboarding new wholesale partners Work with management to refine and execute sales strategy for the assigned region Participate in Training Center events including but not limited to labs, classes, tastings, workshops, and socials Contribute to regional success by understanding and influencing leading indicators and metrics 90-day goals Satisfactory completion of onsite Counter Culture Coffee orientation. Effective demonstration of the ability to work without supervision and with other regional team members. Effective demonstration of the ability to complete required tasks in a timely manner. Effective demonstration of the ability to communicate with the Sales Manager and follow directions. Completion of at least three Counter Intelligence labs including the Espresso Fundamentals Lab and Brew Science One. Compensation and Benefits This full-time position will be eligible for comprehensive Medical (90 Company Paid), Dental and Vision coverage after 30 days Participation in the companys profit sharing plan the first full quarter after 1 year of employment Immediately eligible to participate in the Counter Culture 401K program and, after 12 months of employment, be eligible for 401K matching Company Paid Life Insurance and Short Term Disability Flexible Spending Accounts for Healthcare and for Daycare Eligible for Green Fund and Pushing Potential Programs after 30 days Upon completion of all of these goals and a satisfactory review by a supervisor, the employee will secure a full-time, permanent position with Counter Culture Coffee. All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, gender identity, or any other discriminating factors. Counter Culture Coffee Counter Culture Coffee Regional Sales Representative New York, New York Based in Durham, NC, with regional offices around the country, Counter Culture has been continuously innovating in the coffee industry since 1995and were looking for new team members to help us expand our efforts. Counter Culture Coffee is a relentless pursuit of coffee perfection. a dedication to real environmental, social, and fiscal sustainability. a commitment to creating cutting edge coffee people. Regional Sales Representatives act as the first point of contact between Counter Culture and our potential Wholesale partners. The key functions of this role are identifying and qualifying prospective wholesale partners across a variety of channels, and adding new, appropriate business to the designated region. Sales team members must have not only a strong business skill set, but also a thorough knowledge of the food and beverage industry. Counter Culture sales representatives are smart, resourceful, and reliable, but, first and foremost, they genuinely care about people and coffee. Requirements At least one (1) year of sales experience in coffee, or a related industry Experience and knowledge of the geography of the assigned regional markets and channels preferred The ability to manage one8217s own time and schedule effectively. Available to work a flexible schedule including periodic overnight travel, as well as weekend and off-hours work A strong desire to nurture new wholesale partnerships appropriately A high aptitude for communication, and a strong desire to effectively communicate the mission and values of Counter Culture to prospective wholesale partners as well as the general public A willingness to be challenged, and an eagerness for professional education and growth. Basic technical expertise, and a willingness to learn about the equipment required to produce the highest quality coffee Valid drivers license and a clean driving record Desire to be a part of an amazing regional team of educators, technicians, and customer support representatives, and to participate in education and events for both the public and for our wholesale partners. Duties Quickly and accurately qualify all incoming leads, and follow up accordingly Source appropriate new business through effective cold calling and networking Act as a consultant to new wholesale partners in a manner consistent with Counter Culture core values Recommend and sell coffee equipment appropriately and with expertise End-to-end management of the process of onboarding new wholesale partners Work with management to refine and execute sales strategy for the assigned region Participate in Training Center events including but not limited to labs, classes, tastings, workshops, and socials Contribute to regional success by understanding and influencing leading indicators and metrics 90-day goals Satisfactory completion of onsite Counter Culture Coffee orientation. Effective demonstration of the ability to work without supervision and with other regional team members. Effective demonstration of the ability to complete required tasks in a timely manner. Effective demonstration of the ability to communicate with the Sales Manager and follow directions. Completion of at least three Counter Intelligence labs including the Espresso Fundamentals Lab and Brew Science One. Compensation and Benefits This full-time position will be eligible for comprehensive Medical (90 Company Paid), Dental and Vision coverage after 30 days Participation in the companys profit sharing plan the first full quarter after 1 year of employment Immediately eligible to participate in the Counter Culture 401K program and, after 12 months of employment, be eligible for 401K matching Company Paid Life Insurance and Short Term Disability Flexible Spending Accounts for Healthcare and for Daycare Eligible for Green Fund and Pushing Potential Programs after 30 days Upon completion of all of these goals and a satisfactory review by a supervisor, the employee will secure a full-time, permanent position with Counter Culture Coffee. All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, gender identity, or any other discriminating factors. Counter Culture Coffee Counter Culture Coffee Technician Washington, DC Based in Durham, NC, with regional offices around the country, Counter Culture has been continuously innovating in the coffee industry since 1995and were looking for new team members to help us expand our efforts. Counter Culture Coffee is a relentless pursuit of coffee perfection. a dedication to real environmental, social, and fiscal sustainability. a commitment to creating cutting edge coffee people. As a member of the Customer Support department, the key function of this role is to act as a Counter Culture regional support representative, providing technical services, customer support, and course instruction. Coffee Technicians are primarily responsible for installation and upkeep of customers coffee equipment. Although a familiarity or comfort with tools and equipment is a required skill set, advanced coffee skills and industry knowledge are also key in this role. Coffee Techs are also expected to assist in the implementation of our Counter Intelligence program regionally by acting as lab instructors or assistants based on the specific regions needs and capacity. A Counter Culture Coffee Technician is a resourceful, pragmatic, and thorough service person, as well as a knowledgeable and crafted barista. Requirements Proficiency with tools, machinery, electricity, and plumbing Strong barista skill set (2 years preferred) Efficient time management, flexible schedule, off-hours availability Regular out-of-town travel throughout the year Reliable, accountable, and professional demeanor Strong desire to share knowledge and ability to teach others Duties Work with regional team to develop regional agenda Manage maintenance of all customer and company equipment Contribute to regional success by understanding and influencing leading indicators and metrics Contribute to regional growth by scaling support with our growth Lead Training Center events like labs, classes, tastings, workshops, and socials 90-day goals Qualify to perform general machine maintenance without supervision Qualify to lead core Counter Culture labs Certify as a Counter Culture barista and coffee steward Compensation and Benefits After 30 days, this full-time position will be eligible for comprehensive medical, dental, and vision coverage One free pound of coffee every week Three weeks paid time off Counter Culture Green Fund and Pushing Potential Fund eligibility after 30 days Employee is eligible for Counter Culture 401K withholding from date of hire, but will not receive company match until completion of first year of service Eligible for company profit sharing program after employee8217s first full quarter following their one year anniversary. All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, gender identity, or any other discriminating factors. Please apply here Java Love Coffee Roasting Company Roaster Bethel, New York Java Love Coffee Roasting Co. is an artisan coffee roasting company with the mission of quality coffee done right and a passion to create 038 connect with our communities. Java Loves flagship shop in the Catskills of New York is where we lovingly roast the highest quality green coffee beans in small batches, and are committed to Coffee with Integrity, which means we focus on taking as little 038 giving as much as possible. We are also focused on creating opportunities through mindful support of local 038 global communities, and source only Organic, Sustainably Farmed, Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance 038 Water Processed green coffee beans, produced with respect for the environment and farmers. Were seeking an enthusiastic and engaged coffee roaster to join our dynamic Bethel, NY production team. The ideal team member is passionate about coffee, customers and community able to treat fellow team members and guests with respect, compassion and recognition. Availability should include mornings, evenings, and weekends. Interested candidates must be able to provide a minimum of 1 year to the role. Ability to perform all roaster operations including - roast coffee to specifications determined by Head Roaster, aide in upkeep and maintenance of roasting and production equipment, and continually help advance the craft and quality of roasting at Java Love Coffee Roasting Co. Responsibilities Oversee roaster operations, scheduling, direct daily roaster operations and work assignments. Communicate and inform manager(s) of daily activity and issues. Schedule all roasts to ensure smooth production flow and to meet inventory requirements. Set up roaster using according to established procedures and guidelines making adjustments as needed to ensure quality. Monitor each roast, making specific adjustments to roaster settings as needed to ensure consistent roast quality. Log daily production roasts and assist in creation of monthly and yearly roast reports. Manage and maintain all certification documentation (RFA, Fair Trade, Organic, Swiss Water ) Prepare various coffee blends according to established proprietary formulas. Transfer of roasted coffee to appropriate production stations (bagging, grinding, shipping) to ensure efficient and safe work flow. Notify production staff of roasted coffee status (variety, amount, special instructions ) Actively participate in established roasting quality standards. Actively participate in regular coffee tastings to ensure quality standards. Assist in training new team members as required. Perform all data entry functions and able to make changes andor adjustments in online, wholesale and roast planning as needed. Clean and perform regular maintenance on roaster and other production equipment per maintenance schedules andor as directed by manager(s). Set up and maintain roaster documents and procedures. Perform all related job duties as required. Requirements Must have previous experience in production environment with flexibility to meet changing production schedules and job assignments without close supervision. Must have a strong interest in coffee and willingness to expand knowledge base. Effective verbal and written communication skills, and ability to communicate in a timely manner. Excellent math skills and computer experience. Must be able to read and understand equipment manuals. Excellent mechanical skills to troubleshoot and support roasters for full operation to minimize machine and production downtime. Ability to work well both independently and as part of a fast-paced team. Experience in leading or motivating teams. Must demonstrate flexibility to meet quickly changing production schedules and job assignments that may involve extended or overtime hours. Ability to learn coffee roasting profiles and quality standards of Java Love Coffee Roasting Co. Ability to perform daily physical requirements such as standing, walking, bending, and stooping in addition to the ability to lift up 25 to 100 pounds throughout work day. High School Diploma or equivalent Java Love Coffee Roasting Co. provides equal employment opportunity to all individuals, regardless of age, color, national origin, citizenship status, physical or mental disability, race, religion, creed, gender, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity andor expression, genetic information, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state or local law. In addition, Java Love Coffee Roasting Co. will provide reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with disabilities. Please send cover letter and resume to jobsjavaloveroasters Klatch Coffee Klatch Coffee Retail Manager Rancho Cucamonga, California Klatch Coffee is currently seeking a full-time energetic and enthusiastic Retail Manager for various locations. This position requires the flexibility to take on a variety of shifts including nights and weekends. Qualifications A minimum of two years of retail managementsupervisory experience andor related experience and training Continuous demonstrated ability to lead and provide excellent customer service Ability to drive sales and control costs Experience coaching, training, and developing others Excellent communication and interpersonal skills Effective time management and delegation skills Barista experience or coffee knowledge is a plus Duties Maintain the highest quality of product and service according to Klatch standards Demonstrate leadership of the store by ensuring cleanliness and organization. Follow and enforce Klatch policies and procedures including safety, health, security, maintenance, and cash handling. Provide and promote constant coffee education among staff and customers Ensure customer feedback and concerns are addressed within a timely manner. Lead the team in serving customers according to speed of service standards. Plan and execute the deployment of staff to ensure that all team members work effectively together to provide superior customer service. Build teamwork and unity among crew. Maintain positive and productive relationships with all team members Utilize training tools and resources to monitor staff progress and attainment. Contribute to the development of shift leads by providing regular coaching and feedback to build their knowledge and skills. Recognize and respond to performance issues as appropriate Maintain inventory of food and beverage items Organize and monitor inventory Maintain all costs within desired percent Manage and control waste Monitor daily, weekly and monthly sales and growth Schedule and supervise live music, entertainment, and art Promote Klatch within community Manage store promotions. Follow-up and ensure staff knowledge and execution of promotions, new products and seasonal items. About Klatch At Klatch Coffee we deliver an experience that is casual and social, all-American, and traditional that most of all, is real. But don8217t let our laid back nature fool you into thinking we are slouching on quality. When it comes to serving specialty coffee, the right way, the best way, is the only way, the Klatch way. Please send cover letter and resume to heatherklatchroasting To learn more about Klatch please visit klatchroasting YoungBlood YoungBlood Barista Fargo, North Dakota YoungBlood was founded 5 months ago by Tim and Elisha Griffin. Our approach to coffee and culture is heavily influenced by our collective background at Four Barrel, Intelligentsia, Stumptown, Sightglass, and Barista to name a few. We are in search of our first full time team member who wants to help us continue building this business. Four Barrel is our coffee partner and we brew that stuff using a Fetco, Spirit, and Chemex. We have a lovely selection of teas from Samovar and Leaves and Flowers. Barista experience is cool but we are willing to train the right person We are looking for someone who has an inherent sense of hospitality. This is very important to the way we do business and set ourselves apart. Everything mentioned above is the essence of who we are. We are always building and staying creative. For instance, we will be introducing a bread baking and toast program this month. Fargo is a very up and coming city and we are located right in the middle of downtown. We can also help you find a place to rent if you are interested in relocating. Pay is extremely competitive for this area. If being on the ground level of a new company in the Great Plains interest you, please contact us. If youre Interested in working with us, please send your resume and cover letter to youngbloodcafegmail VictoriaCo VictoriaCo Professional BaristaTeam Lead Aspen, Colorado High volume cafe with quality espresso menu requires a professional barista with solid personal ethics 8211 work and play at High Altitude in Aspen Colorado. Must be comfortable performing in a fast paced environment. Multitasking and communication comes naturally to you, and you enjoy the thrill of an artisan cafewine bar with international and Aussie bones. This is not for the short play8230 commitment and loyalty has its rewards. Please email your resume and a cover letter to aeintotheusa Kickapoo Coffee Roasters Kickapoo Coffee Roasters Lead Barista Viroqua, Wisconsin About Kickapoo Coffee Roasters Since 2005, Kickapoo Coffee Roasters has worked to forge lasting, equitable partnerships with small-scale farmers. We work directly with growers and coffee cooperatives to ensure high standards for quality, sustainability and farmer compensation. Opening this spring, our Viroqua Caf shares the same high standards and delivers inspired coffees and delicious foods featuring fresh, local and organic ingredients. Based in southwest Wisconsins beautiful Driftless region, Kickapoo Coffee seeks team members who share in our mission and values and are eager to join our growing, entrepreneurial-spirited, family-friendly work environment. Position Overview The Lead Barista at Kickapoo Coffee Roasters Viroqua Cafe will hold a central role in the success of the retail coffee program. As part of the leadership of the cafe, the lead barista will work closely with Kickapoo Coffees Education and Green Department to design and train staff and implement a dynamic specialty coffee program. Core Responsibilities Work closely with the cafe managerco-owner to manage staff Provide excellent customer service and stellar coffee drink preparation Oversee all aspects of the retail coffee program Work with the Education department to train baristas to Kickapoo Coffee and the SCAs standards Partner with the Green Department to design a retail coffee program Ability to work the espresso machine and other brew equipment Perform some preventative maintenance duties on equipment throughout the year Ability to work bar shifts several times per week Exemplify the core values of Kickapoo Coffee Roasters including direct relationships, sustainability, and quality Requirements and Desired Skills Ability to communicate clearly and promptly with staff and customers Previous experience as a barista, preferably in a role of leadership Passionate and dedicated to specialty coffee Desire to continually be challenged and grow as a coffee professional Interest in working with the Green Department to implement a successful retail coffee program Passion for ethically sourced, organic, high quality coffee and food, and supporting farmer cooperatives Good sense of humor a must Hours, Wage 038 Location Full-time, salaried position Please email your resume and a cover letter to jobskickapoocoffee with position title Lead Barista in the subject line In addition to Lead Barista, were also hiring baristas, cooks and bakers. To learn more, please visit kickapoocoffeepagesjobs Counter Culture Coffee Counter Culture Customer Relations Manager Durham, North Carolina Based in Durham, NC, with regional offices around the country, Counter Culture has been continuously innovating in the coffee industry since 1995and were looking for new team members to help us expand our efforts. Our vision is a relentless pursuit of coffee perfection, a dedication to real environmental, social, and fiscal sustainability, 038 a commitment to creating cutting edge coffee people. People that are happy and successful at Counter Culture Coffee are positive, inspiring, curious, thorough, and do not accept the status quo. Based in Durham, this positions key responsibility is to provide leadership to our team of Customer Relations representatives throughout the country. Working with our Tech Services Manager and the direction of the Customer Support Manager, the CR Managers measures of success are regional revenue and profitability. This job requires a lot of travel, strong communication skills to lead a national team, and a keen understanding of our business in order to manage our world class support profitably. The Customer Relations Manager is smart, humble, and ambitious with strong leadership and team-building skills. Responsibilities Staffing and personnel management for a team of 20 CRs. Business forecasts and budgeting. Reporting on team and regional performance. Managing documents and administrational systems. All wholesale account satisfaction and retention goals. Requirements Account management experience. Flexible schedule, ability to travel and work off hours. Barista or coffee industry experience. Strong leadership skills. 90-day goals Complete personnel management training. Ability to clearly communicate our business OS and Plan. Set team and regional 90 day goals (rocks). Compensation and Benefits Counter Culture will provide your computer and will pay a stipend of 80.00 per month for your phone. This full-time position will be eligible for comprehensive Medical (90 Company Paid), Dental and Vision coverage after 30 days Three weeks of vacation annually, accrued on hours worked six company holidays with additional vacation time generated as your tenure with the firm increases Immediately eligible to participate in the Counter Cultures 401K program and, after 12 months of employment, be eligible for 401K matching of 100 for the first 3 you contribute and 50 for the next 2 you contribute for a total of 4 matching Company Paid Life Insurance and Short Term Disability Flexible Spending Accounts for Healthcare and for Daycare Participation in the companys profit sharing plan the first full quarter after 1 year of employment Eligible for Green Fund and Pushing Potential Programs after 30 days You may purchase company products (coffee 038 wares) at wholesale price minus 10 One free pound of coffee a week. All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, gender identity, or any other discriminating factors. Linea Caffe Linea Caffe Wholesale Trainer Account Manager San Francisco, California Linea Caffe is hiring a skilled wholesale trainer account manager. Linea embraces the following company values 1 Excellence 2 Exemplary service 3 Exemplary taste 4 Kindness 5 Hard work 6 Compassion 7 Beautiful things, cleanliness, design aesthetics 8 Joy 9 Love 10 Passion 11 Integrity 12 Knowledge 13 Preserving the environment, recycling, composting 14 Humility 15 Diversity If youre Interested in working with us, please send your resume and cover letter to jobslineacaffe Linea Caffe Linea Caffe Barista San Francisco, California Linea Caffe is hiring a skilled barista to work at our San Francisco Mission District Cafe. Linea embraces the following company values 1 Excellence 2 Exemplary service 3 Exemplary taste 4 Kindness 5 Hard work 6 Compassion 7 Beautiful things, cleanliness, design aesthetics 8 Joy 9 Love 10 Passion 11 Integrity 12 Knowledge 13 Preserving the environment, recycling, composting 14 Humility 15 Diversity If youre Interested in working with us, please send your resume and cover letter to jobslineacaffe Purple Llama Coffee and Records Purple Llama Coffee and Records Barista Chicago, Illinois Purple Llama Coffee 038 Records is a new multi-roaster specialty coffeebar and curated vinyl record store soon to be open in Chicagos Wicker Park neighborhood. Purple Llama Coffee 038 Records is the marriage of passions and it is our goal to deliver these passions to the local community in a courteous and conscientious manner. Purple Llama is looking for dependable and energetic individuals to join or team. If youre passionate about high quality coffee, vinyl records and customer service please reach out to us. Prior experience working in specialty coffee is preferred but not mandatory. Our ideal candidate would bring enthusiasm and a firm commitment to growing with our new business over experience. Responsibilities 8211 Provide outstanding customer service day in, day out. 8211 Consistently work to improve your knowledge of specialty coffee. This will include periodic attendance to staff training sessions, cuppings and so on. 8211 Maintain a clean and efficient workspace. 8211 Punctuality and the ability to work as an integral part of a close-knit team. 8211 Willingness to learn about vinyl records and the independent record business. Qualifications 8211 A serious appreciation for or an interest in developing a passion for delicious specialty coffee. 8211 The ability to work efficiently under pressure in a fast paced environment. 8211 A keen attention to detail. 8211 High School Diploma or equivalent. 8211 Previous experience in the specialty coffee industry is preferred but not required. At Purple Llama Coffee 038 Records you will have the opportunity to get in on the ground with a brand new specialty coffee company. Please feel free reach out to jpetrickpurplellamachicago with an updated resume if youre interested in joining our team. Additionally please include a brief note detailing your favorite experience in specialty coffee (brewing method, origin, caf experience etc.) andor a few of your favorite records. Were looking forward to hearing from you Stumptown Coffee Roasters Stumptown Coffee Roasters Grocery Sales Representative Northwest Seattle, Washington The Grocery Sales Rep will work very closely with the Wholesale team, Operations group and the officecustomer support team in an ever-expanding grocery market to ensure that our customers are receiving the same level of customer service that all of our partners have become accustomed to. The ideal candidate will create positive and lasting relationships with our vendors, catering to the needs of storeowners and managers at each store to fulfill specific requests. The position will require multi-tasking, confidence in dealing with a variety of personalities and helping different departments ensure that quality standards are being maintained at each store and brand management. Essential Functions Service, merchandise, sell, educate, and sample Stumptown Coffee among all Grocery stores in our 8220Self Distribution8221 territories. Help increase distribution of both coffee and cold brew within all current accounts and seek out new opportunities within the market. Organize promotions and help execute the promotions at an industry leading level. Perform route sales as needed, write orders for accounts and oversee grocery sales training. Account Manage amongst key grocery customers. Help facilitate changes or issues with individual vendors amongst wholesale and customer support team. Uphold and execute customer-service standards during our expansion in grocery markets throughout the Region. Help manage, maintain and respond to issues with volumetrendcreditspars by store and by route. Report weekly as part of the Grocery Sales team. Execute and perform regular in-store samplings among all grocery accounts, including drip coffee and cold brew tastings with the public. Assist with business development among existing partners, identifying areas for growth and help drive incentives against activity based goals with the team. Help manage the introduction of new skusproducts. Work in conjunction with distributor manager when necessary to support product launch and order fulfillment Other Duties Make deliveries as needed of Stumptown coffee and cold brew to wholesale customers across all channels in the Region. Interface with Off Premise wholesale customers through deliveries, account work and general coffee needs. Help own the relationship. Manage inventories and coordinate delivery schedule weekly to customers. Manage coffee inventories at retail and maintain regular rotation of bagged coffee in accordance with Stumptowns quality and freshness policies. Keep fleet stocked with all grocery-related items. ie, racks, ice bins, shelf talkers, description cards. Help develop routes to coincide with already heavy-traffic issues, ensuring efficiencies. Work closely with the production group, fulfilling orders with precision. Assist with daily production and flow on the roastery floor when needed. Help the customer service department contact vendors about stance on freshness. Cup and taste coffee regularly to maintain familiarity with product and quality standards. Supervisory responsibilities None Qualifications Basic Sales, merchandising and grocery or vendor support. Demonstrated passion and enthusiasm for coffee Strong customer-service with a professional approach is a must A concentrated attention to detail. Ability to manage and prioritize daily and weekly tasks Ability to manage multiple taskscustomers at once Be able to speak with authority on the coffee offering Willingness to work with other departments to achieve common goals. Flexible schedule and availability Valid drivers license and clean driving record Demonstrated initiative and independence Physical Demands Lifting, push, pulling. Lifting up to 100 pds. Weight greater than 50 pounds will be mitigated with a lifting partner or device. Must be able to drive a car van daily Standing must be able to stand for long periods of time Work environment Work takes place is a variety of customer stores ranging from large grocery stores to smaller niche markets Extensive time in a car or Stumptown Van Temperature will vary with weather and store environment Please send cover letter and resume to jobsstumptowncoffee Stumptown Coffee Roasters Stumptown Coffee Roasters Field Service Technician I Los Angeles, California Summary Service customers espresso machines and coffee brewing equipment by analyzing work orders, planning daily travel schedule, investigating complaints and conducting tests. Schedule and perform preventative maintenance and resolve customer service problems. Build and maintain positive relationships with customers and identify technical versus training issues. Must complete apprenticeship program. Essential Functions Service new accounts by performing pre-installation review, gather components and parts and complete installations Maintain customer rapport by examining complaints, identifying solutions, suggesting improved methods and techniques and recommending system improvements Establish communication with all departments within Stumptown by keeping them informed of all service related issues relevant to their particular department Keep personal equipment and vans operating by following operating instructions, troubleshooting breakdowns, maintaining supplies, performing preventive maintenance and calling for repairs Document service and installation actions by completing forms, reports logs and records Update knowledge by participating in educational opportunities and reading professional publications Travel throughout the surrounding area as needed to support customer accounts Other duties as assigned Supervisory Responsibilites None Qualifications Complete apprenticeship program Demonstrated passion and enthusiasm for coffee Strong customer service skills and the ability to maintain customer relationships Strong mechanical aptitude plumbing and electrical knowledge a plus Strong logic and reasoning skills Self-starter with a great attitude and professional demeanor Clean driving record and a valid drivers license Available to travel out of market as needed Ability to listen, learn and act accordingly Willingness to learn from mistakes to grow and enhance skills Ability to manage and prioritize daily and weekly tasks Familiarity with MS Office, Google Apps and other organizational computer tools Physical Demands Carry weight, lift frequently moves materials weighing up to 100 pounds. Weight greater than 50 pounds will be mitigated with a lifting partner or device TasteSmell ability to detect and perceive smell of coffee Stooping. Bending body downward and forward by bending spine at the waist Work Environment Work is performed in various locations at customer sites The work environment can be noisy Temperatures can be variable in the work area Please send cover letter and resume to jobsstumptowncoffee Portland Roasting Coffee Portland Roasting Coffee Coffee Educator Portland, Oregon Portland Roasting is looking for a friendly, reliable team player with an excellent work ethic and strong interpersonal skills who is interested in joining our Training 038 Education Department. The Coffee Educator will assist in delivering education to our wholesale customers and retail staff while cupping and tasting coffee regularly to maintain familiarity with product and quality standards. If you are looking for a great place to work, love to educate others with your coffee knowledge, and have a passion and enthusiasm for coffee this is the opportunity for you. The Coffee Educator must be willing to travel, and have flexibility in scheduling as weekends and holidays are sometimes required. Primary Duties and Responsibilities Deliver unparalleled coffee education and hospitality to our wholesale customers and retail staff through direct training and training program implementation. Establish and maintain ongoing relationships with Portland Roasting wholesale customers and retail cafes, helping grow their business through consistent support of coffee quality, retail program, and caf flow improvements. Facilitate public educational opportunities in the form of tours, tastings and classes. Assist in the implementation of our Quality Assurance program. Represent Portland Roasting at industry events and promotions. Maintain Training Room cleanliness and functionality. Provide consistent and timely turnaround for training requests and customer needs. Maintain an efficient, effective, and prioritized work schedule through regular communication with all members of Portland Roastings Coffee and Customer Service teams. Cup and taste coffee regularly to maintain familiarity with product and quality standards. Stay informed of industry trends and new products related to coffee and espresso preparation. Conduct tours of our facility. Additional Responsibilities Act as backup for emergency deliveries. Support in set up of new customers. Assist Customer Service team as needed. Minimum Requirements Excellent barista skills, both with espresso and manual brewing methods. Strong relationship building skills with customers, vendors, and other employees. A demonstrated passion and enthusiasm for coffee. Professional and effective demeanor in both written and verbal communication. Excellent time management skillsproficiency with time management tools. Flexibility in scheduling. Evenings, weekends and holidays are sometimes required. Willingness to travel. Officegeneral computer skills (Excel and ACT a plus) Supervisory Responsibilities None Physical Demands Working with different types of coffee and espresso equipment. Lifting and carrying up to 35. Please email your resume and a cover letter to kaylaportlandroasting Intelligentsia Coffee Intelligentsia Coffee QC Lab Assistant Chicago, Illinois Position Summary The Lab Assistant provides support for daily Quality Control Lab activities. This includes, but is not limited to: sample logging and processing, cupping setup and breakdown, data entry, facility and equipment maintenance, and general lab support. Log samples and cupping results in Cropster database and spreadsheets as needed. Set upbreak down cuppings. Prepare coffees for testing. Participate in Quality Control cuppings as requested. Sample roasting. Maintain a clean and organized lab environment. Assist Quality Control Manager with departmental tasks as needed. Other duties as assigned. Education andor Experience High School Diploma or GED required. Experience in coffee is preferred, and experience in the practical application of scientific method is an advantage. Qualifications To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, andor ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. Ability to maintain confidentiality in all matters and use discretion with dissemination of information. Logical, methodological, and analytical approach to problem solving. Keen attention to detail. Highly organized and good with management of information. Excellent interpersonal and customer service skills. General computer proficiency with good knowledge of Excel and data entry. Intelligentsia Coffee Intelligentsia Coffee QC Lab Specialist Chicago, Illinois Position Summary The Quality Control Specialist is responsible for essential day-to-day functions in support of Intelligentsia8217s quality management program. The Quality Control Specialist must have substantial coffee sensory skills, sample roasting experience, and extensive knowledge of coffee quality fundamentals. Duties and Responsibilities Sample roasting and anaylsis. Grading and analysis of green coffee. Organize daily quality control cuppings. Blend development and maintenance. Performance experiments and conduct research as directed by the Quality Control Department Manager. Assist with the organization and development of the espresso QC program. Gather quality control data, manage database, and generate reports. Assist with trainings and customer support. Provide support for other lab activities as directed. Other duties as assigned. Education andor Experience High School Diploma or GED, plus coffee experience, required, plus a minimum of one (1) year as a Quality Control Assistant (or equivalent experience in sample roasting, coffee sensory and physical analysis, and data organization in a comparable environment). Bachelor8217s degree preferred. Experience in the practical application of scientific method is an advantage. Qualifications To perform this job successfully, an individual must be able to perform each essential duty satisfactorily. The requirements listed below are representative of the knowledge, skill, andor ability required. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. Ability to maintain confidentiality in all matters and use discretion with dissemination of information. Advanced sensory skills (taste, smell) and understanding of sensory and physical coffee quality metrics. Sample roasting experience. Advanced understanding of coffee extraction. Fundamental understanding of all coffee quality variables. Excellent interpersonal and customer service skills, with the demonstrated capability to maintain professional relationships with coworkers andor customers. Logical, methodological, and analytical approach to problem-solving. General computer proficiency with good knowledge of Excel and data entry. Experience with Cropster database preferred. Keen attention to detail, with exceptional organizational skills and observant nature. Efficient, with excellent work ethic and willingness to accept responsibility for independent projects. Groundwork Coffee Groundwork Coffee Marketing 038 Events Specialist Portland, Oregon Groundwork Coffee specializes in batch-roasted, certified organic coffees and artisanal teas. From our humble roots as a rare book store and cafe back in 1990, Groundwork would go on to become one of the first certified organic coffee roasters in Southern California, as well as the largest organic coffee roaster in Los Angeles. A truly local pioneer in fair trade and fairly traded coffee and tea sourcing, we remain committed to sustainable business practices, including maintaining direct relationships with growers and importers who promote responsible coffee and tea production. From the ground up, Groundwork is steadfast in its commitment to the values of quality, sustainability and community. Responsibilities Actively search for outside events to participate in, research them for quality, coordinate with event creators, and promote our involvement with event. Examples: trade shows, Oregon Coffee Board events, Farmer8217s Markets, craft fairs, music festivals, etc. Create and promote events within our own stores. Conduct event 8220postmortem8221. Create signage, marketing materials, and custom labels. Handle all donation requests. Create Portland-specific content for social media on a regular basis. Needs to be able to match our current social media aesthetic. Spearhead art program for all Portland stores. Maintain the merchandising of 3 retail locations. Job Requirements Possess deep knowledge of the Portland coffee scene, preferably with barista background. Participate in events within the Portland coffee scene as a representative of Groundwork. Graphic design backgroundknowledge of Adobe Creative Suite. Photography skills and own camera required. If you love a great cup of coffee and are motivated, enthusiastic, and want to work for a company that values its employees, then please email your resume. Please include 8220Portland Events Specialist8221 in the subject of your email, as well as a brief summary of your expertise. Please send cover letter and resume to jobsgroundworkcoffee Stumptown Coffee Roasters Stumptown Coffee Roasters Manager of Information Technology Portland, Oregon We work hard. We have tremendous amounts of respect for each other and for what we do. We are progressive, open and evolving, but uncompromising in our commitment to quality. We are focused on sustainable growth and value everyones contribution and we also have lots of fun together. We are a passionate group of folks some might even say obsessive. No matter which team were on, were sourcing, roasting, tasting, testing, practicing and pushing ourselves to do it better. And we drink the best office coffee on the planet. The IT Managers role is to ensure the streamlined operation of the IT department in alignment with the business objectives of the organization. The IT Manager will plan, coordinate, direct and design IT-related activities of the organization, as well as provide administrative direction and support for daily operational activities of the IT department. The IT manager will work closely with decision makers in other departments to identify, recommend, develop, implement and support cost-effective technology solutions for all aspects of the organization. The IT manager will also define and implement IT policies, procedures and best practices. Essential Functions Lead the IT departments operational and strategic planning, including fostering innovation, planning projects and organizing and negotiating the allocation of resources. Manage the deployment, monitoring, maintenance, development, upgrade and support of all IT systems, including telecommunications, servers, PCs, operating systems, hardware, software, peripherals and Office Automation equipment. Benchmark, analyze, report on and make recommendations for the improvement and growth of the IT infrastructure and IT systems. Oversee provision of end-user services, including help desk and technical support services. Work with stakeholders to define business and systems requirements for new technology implementations. Keep current with the latest technologies. Manage financial aspects of the IT department, including purchasing, budgeting and budget review. Develop business case justifications and costbenefit analyses for IT spending and initiatives. Approve and oversee projects and project portfolio. Develop and implement all IT policies and procedures, including those for architecture, security, disaster recovery, standards, purchasing and service provision. Negotiate and administer vendor, outsourcer and consultant contracts and service agreements. Practice asset management for IT hardware, software and equipment. Manage IT staffing, including recruitment, supervision, scheduling, development, evaluation and disciplinary actions. Establish and maintain regular written and in-person communications with the organizations executives, department heads and end users regarding pertinent IT activities. Supervisory responsibilities This position will manage all employees in the IT department across all geographical locations. Qualifications Bachelors degree in computer science, electrical engineering, or equivalent experience Six (6) or more years progressive experience in an IT department Three (3) or more years experience managing an IT department Vendor management and negotiation experience Excellent communication skills both oral and written. Must be able to display patience and translate technical language into every day user understanding Experience creating and presenting business case for changegrowth Proven ability to problem solve and make solid and well researched decisions VMware certified preferred ITIL Methodology Experience preferred MCSE Certification preferred Prior project management experience a plus. Physical Demands Ability to sit continuously at a computer Carry weight, lift lift up to 5 pounds frequently and up to 50 pounds occasionally Standing ability to stand for long periods Travel minimal travel between location up to 25 Work environment Most work takes place in an office environment. Occasional work to take place in cafes. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, genetic information, medical condition, veteran status, or any other class protected by local, state or federal law. Please send cover letter and resume to jobsstumptowncoffee Stumptown Coffee Roasters Stumptown Coffee Roasters IT Help Desk Specialist Brooklyn, New York We work hard. We have tremendous amounts of respect for each other and for what we do. We are progressive, open and evolving, but uncompromising in our commitment to quality. We are focused on sustainable growth and value everyones contribution and we also have lots of fun together. We are a passionate group of folks, some might even say obsessive. No matter which team were on, were sourcing, roasting, tasting, testing, practicing and pushing ourselves to do it better. And we drink the best office coffee on the planet. As a member of the IT team, responsible for providing internal technical support on computer hardware and software to all employees of Stumptown Coffee. The IT Help Desk Specialist will respond to queries, run diagnostic programs, isolate problems, and determine and implement solutions. Supports IT for all locations in Oregon, Washington, California, New York, and New Orleans with primary emphasis on supporting HQ. Essential Functions First responder to all IT support queries, both software and hardware, either in person, via JIRA or over the phone. Partner with HR and Payroll for onboarding of all new employees and role transfers. Develop changes in ITs part of the onboarding process as organizational requirements change. Generate formal purchase requests and work with Purchasing Manager to choose appropriate hardware with ever-changing system specs for new hires and role changes. Shape and administer Apply Information Security Policy, including multi-factor authentication and access control lists and provide input to the evolution of this policy. Train users on all IT hardware and systems, including AV equipment, printers and OS basics. Identify issues and provide technical assistance and support related to desktop hardware and software, including specialty printing and mobile devices network hardware and software, including wireless access points and network switches and server hardware and software, including virtual machines and backups. Configure and maintain Jamf Mobile Device Management (MDM) for mobile devices (tablets, phones, laptops). Remote desktop support. Occasional remote support outside of office is needed using company provided equipment and procedures. Write training manuals. Contribute to company Knowledgebase by editing and authoring articles as appropriate. Maintain daily performance of computer systems, conference rooms, and phone systems. Diagnose the nature of the IT-related problems determine and deploy the solution or escalate as needed to vendors and partners. Manage and maintain our printer fleet both hands on and through our DMNX (Ricoh Device Management) Custom build, install, modify, and repair computer hardware and software across all markets. Run diagnostic programs to resolve problems. Under the guidance of senior technicians, resolve technical problems with Local Area Networks (LAN), Wide Area Networks (WAN), and other IT systems. Review open JIRA tickets and follow up with customers to determine if the issue has resolved or is persisting. Gain feedback from internal customers about computer usage. Run reports to determine malfunctions that continue to occur. Assist with scheduled maintenance windows workstations, servers, network. Supervisory responsibilities No direct reports. Qualifications Flexible and adaptable. Verifiable experience, education or certifications sufficient to demonstrate required proficiencies. G Suite (Google Apps) Admin Certification a plus. MS Office 365 administration experience. CompTIA A certification a plus. General knowledge of Microsoft, Apple and Linux operating systems. Experience with Atlassian JIRA or other ticketing platforms desirable. Grace under pressure. Results oriented. Solid, professional oral and written communication and collaboration skills. Positive, proactive attitude. Willingness to work shifts required to maintain business continuity. Able and willing to work weekends as needed. Experience supporting customer driven retail environments preferred. Demonstrated passion and enthusiasm for coffee. Physical Demands Ability to sit continuously at a computer. Frequent phone use. Carry weight, lift lift up to 5 pounds frequently and up to 50 pounds occasionally. Candidate will occasionally be called up on to work in tight spaces, and at heights required to install, repair and maintain ethernet runs. Work environment Work is performed both in multiple office settings and retail caf locations. Required to travel to remote offices. Travel no more than 20. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, genetic information, medical condition, veteran status, or any other class protected by local, state or federal law. Please send cover letter and resume to jobsstumptowncoffee Equator Coffees amp Teas Equator Coffees 038 Teas Associate Roaster San Rafael, California Summary Reporting to the Head Coffee Roaster, the Associate Roaster is responsible for production roasting, equipment maintenance and order fulfillment. Essential Functions Roast daily on all production systems: Loring, San Franciscan and Petroncini. Develop working knowledge of all roasting systems (mechanized, electrical, and digital). Participate in daily and weekly roaster maintenance and cleaning needs. Participate in green coffee inventory and organization needs. Communicate daily with Production Manager regarding order fulfilment, roasting, maintenance and green inventory needs. Quality control assessment at the roaster and cupping table. Daily cupping of production roasts to evaluate blend recipes and roast degree. Analyze roast profiles and works with Head Roaster to establish new ones as needed. Take part in sample roasting and cupping evaluation for Quality Assurance and purchasing needs. Support a collaborative environment through engagement with all warehouse teams. Participate in 8220huddles8221 to understand schedule changes and production issues. Actively works to grow coffee knowledge via on the job training and personal study. Conduct occasional public tastings as needed. Experience 038 Skills Minimum 1-2 years production roasting experience preferred. Sensory evaluation and cupping skills. Basic mechanical skill. Understanding of electrical systems preferred. Able to lift up to 40 pounds on a repeated basis. Excellent written and oral communication skills. Strong initiative and self-management skills. Basic math and computer skills. Work Environment While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to talk and hear. This position is very active and requires standing, walking, bending, kneeling, stooping, crouching, crawling and climbing all day. The employee must frequently lift or move items over 40 pounds. Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, distance vision, color vision, peripheral vision, depth perception and ability to adjust focus. Please send cover letter and resume to tedequatorcoffees Uptown Roasters Uptown Roasters Barista Brooklyn, New York About Us We are a specialty coffee 038 cacao roasting company with a caf and roastery in the heart of Spanish Harlem. We are looking for an experienced barista for our new caf in Park Slope with coffee knowledge and commitment to customer service and quality. Requirements Excellent Customer Service Brewing Skills Latte Art Ability to multi-task Must have NYC Food Safety Handlers Certificate or be willing to receive certificate upon hiring Bi-lingual in Spanish is a plus Experience in the coffee industry Please send cover letter and resume to Infouptownroasters Allegro Coffee Roasters Allegro Coffee Roasters Baristas Chicago, Illinois In 2013, the Allegro Coffee Roasters (ACR) brand was introduced to build a new coffee culture for Whole Foods Market. Currently ACR has four locations - Brooklyn, NY, - Berkeley, CA. - Boulder, CO, and our stand-alone, micro roastery in NW Denvers historic Berkeley neighborhood. We plan to run the best coffee roasteries and bars in the country and are looking for the right people to help us do it. So bring your ideas, spirit, and love for coffee to the table, and work with folks who share all of those things and want to do something more than the just the status quo. Youll be sharing your talent in crafting a quality cup of coffee with our in-house roasted single-origin and top-tier specialty blends. There are no automated machines with buttons here youll be grinding, tamping and hand pulling espresso shots. Youll also need a steady hand to brew pour overs, specialty loose leaf tea, and participate in cuppings to stay current with ACRs latest offerings. Youll be sharing your passion and knowledge of coffee and tea with our customers, handling the morning rush with grace and calmness, and providing unparalleled customer service. Responsibilities Provide excellent customer service, creating an environment where the customer comes first. Experience and expertise in making coffee on sophisticated equipment. Dialing in and preparing espresso drinks and brewed coffee with care, precision, and consistency. Maintains high level of product quality by adhering to all Allegro recipes and drink quality standards. Thorough understanding of products with the ability to clearly communicate our current offerings and answer specific questions. Keeps work area clean at all times, ensuring a sanitary and orderly work environment for drink preparation. Daily sales, cash register operation and end of day cash count. Qualifications Have a passion and knowledge for coffee, related products and equipment. Exceptional customer service skills, which includes a distinct sense of urgency. Good organizational skills with the ability to multitask and work independently or in teams. High standards of excellence and the ability to work to high quality and customer service standards. Prior coffee bar experience. Excellent verbal communication skills. Ability to perform physical requirements of position. Working conditions Standing and walking for extended periods of time, up to 8-12 hours. Bending, stooping and climbing. Mental and physical dexterity. Unassisted heavy lifting up to 50 pounds. Work in hot temperature due to heat of Roaster. Mandatory use of required personal protective equipment. Repetition or sequence of duties. This job posting is not intended to describe the general requirements for the performance of this job. It is not a complete statement of duties, responsibilities or requirements. Other duties not listed here may be assigned by leadership. At Whole Foods Market we provide a fair and equal employment opportunity for all team members and candidates regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or disability. Whole Foods Market hires and promotes individuals solely on the basis of their qualifications for the position to be filled. Only online applications will be accepted. Please apply here. Seattle Coffee Works Seattle Coffee Works Baristas Seattle, Washington Seattle Coffee Works is looking for a few intrepid souls to join our team. Some know us for our Slow Bar which includes a full-on syphon program. Others know us for our extensive Direct Trade sourcing program. Many know us because our two cafes are among the busiest independent cafs in Seattle. We are fiercely independent, small, nimble, and most importantly: an awesome team of coffee professionals. And, were growing, a lot We8217re looking for full-time coffee professionals to help grow our team and company. We have no positions for part-timers, summer interns, or short-term job seekers at this time. If you are committed to becoming a full-time team member and aspire to make your career in the growing specialty coffee trade, please read on. Why would you want to join us Coffee Training adjusted to your needs Extensive initial and on-going training in all coffee brew methods, tasting and scoring coffee farm to cup. We train you to the highest standard and until you can comfortably and consistently make excellent coffee both on our Slow Bar (Chemex, Hario V-60, Vacuum Pot, French Press, Aeropress) and the Espresso Bar. We also provide frequent opportunities to learn more about the entire coffee value chain from farm to cup: origin trips, a coffee lab with state-of-the-art tools, cuppings multiple times per week. If you see coffee through our eyes, you see a never-ending learning opportunity that only starts with being able to make excellent coffee in our cafes and over time expands to an all-encompassing life pursuit. Continuous Education and Training Opportunities inside and outside the company After the initial training, we provide financial support for team members to develop their coffee knowledge through on-going training and education inside and outside the company. Excellent Coffee and Equipment A lineup of the most excellent coffees, mostly Direct Trade, and state-of-the-art equipment. Coffee as a Career We8217re looking for team members who are ambitious about coffee, making coffee a long-term career and raising the bar for this industry. Are we a fit for you Job vs. Career 8211 Are you ready to fully commit yourself to one place of work and one career (We find that we8217re usually not a good fit for folks who are looking for a supplemental job financing unrelated school work or another passion in their lives.) Hard Work 8211 Are you ready to work really hard both mentally and physically and do whatever it takes to create an excellent coffee experience for each and every customer Lifelong Learner 8211 Do you see yourself as a lifelong learner, someone who will go out of her or his way to seek additional knowledge Change 8211 Do you embrace change Do you excel at leading change Love for Service 8211 Are you excited about the challenge of making five-star coffee for some of the most discerning customers imaginable If you were able to respond with a resounding 8220YES8221 to these questions, we8217d love to hear from you. But wait, there8217s more. Does this sound like you 8220I want to work weekends and holidays8221 8212 We are a highly dedicated group of coffee professionals, and also hospitality professionals. We are EXTRA busy on weekends and holidays. To be on the team, you must expect to work weekends, with two days off on weekdays. We schedule according to business needs and cannot accommodate specific scheduling desires around other activities such as school or personal preferences. We are looking for full-time team members ONLY at this point. 8220I can live on 35,0008221 8212 You can expect to make around 35,000 before taxes per year during your first year. We offer comprehensive health and dental benefits after three months on the team. We also offer paid time off and generous product discounts. Please send us your resume and a personal statement identifying why you want to pursue a career in specialty coffee and why you want to do so at Seattle Coffee Works to sprudgieseattlecoffeeworks We look forward to hearing from you Bar Nine Barista Culver City Los Angeles, California We are currently hiring for baristas We are hiring for both our location as well some really cool projects in and around Los Angeles that will be Bar Nine wholesale partners. We are looking for warm and hospitable people obsessed with creating amazing guest experiences and delivering technically perfect extractions. Allegro improves visibility, risk management, compliance and profitability for upstream, midstream and downstream businesses and for integrated energy companies. Utilities Allegro is an integrated software product built for energy trading and scheduling, as well as for providing direct integration to the ISOs, OASIS, transmission system operators, regulatory entities and market data. Chemical Manufacturing Allegro is an integrated solution that delivers portfolio visibility, risk management, compliance and feedstock procurement capability for chemical manufacturing companies. Agriculture Allegro eases trade entry, streamlines logistics and improves tracking for a host of agriculture products, including oilseeds and grains. Management Team Frank Brienzi Chief Executive Officer Frank Brienzi has decades of experience in growing and leading successful global software and technology companies. He most recently served as President and Chief Sales Officer at Misys, a global software company based in London, specializing in banking, capital markets, lending and enterprise trading and risk management. In this role, he led a two-year global transformation of sales, marketing, alliance and channels and several other client facing functions delivering significant double digit growth. He was formerly Senior Vice President and General Manager of Oracles Financial Services Global Business Unit (FSGBU), as well as a member of the Board of Directors for Oracle Financial Services Software Ltd. (a listed company), where he was responsible for the operations of the company. He led the transformation of FSGBU, achieving double-digit year-over-year growth for four years. Mr. Brienzi began his career with EDS in 1984, as part of the Financial Services Strategic business unit, responsible for large-scale banking and insurance development, sales and account management. He then served as Managing Partner at Accenture, helping to grow its global financial services business and leading its global application outsourcing practice. He was also a member of Accentures offshore expansion board, leading Accentures growth in India, China and the Philippines. Jon McCabe Chief Financial Officer Jon McCabe Chief Financial Officer Jon McCabe serves as Allegros Chief Financial Officer, where he is responsible for the companys global finance functions, including accounting, financial planning and analysis, controllership, treasury and tax. Most recently, Mr. McCabe held the Chief Financial Officer position at SafeNet, leading provider of data encryption, crypto management, multi-factor authentication, and software monetization solutions. Prior to joining SafeNet, Mr. McCabe served in an FPA role at McAfee Inc. from 2007-10, and was responsible for standardizing accounting processes and systems re-engineering from 2005-07. From 2000-04, he served in a Business Operations role with Genuity Inc. responsible for the operating plan, performance measurement and vendor management for Genuitys technical support, network deployment, field operations, billing and network monitoring organizations. From 1986-2000, Mr. McCabe served in various accounting planning roles of increasing responsibility with VerizonGTE. Roles at Verizon included regional accounting manager, accounting policies and standards, financial reporting systems and marketcorporate strategy. Keith Farris Chief Technology Officer Keith Farris Chief Technology Officer Keith Farris is a seasoned executive with more than 20 years of software experience in Commodity and FX Trading. At Allegro, he is responsible for research and development efforts, product planning and strategy. Prior to Allegro, Mr. Farris was with JPMorgans FICC Technology Division, where he led a global development team as Executive Director. He also served as Site Lead for the 1100 technologists in the Houston Tech Hub with responsibility for location strategy, cyber security and controls. Prior to JPMorgan, Mr. Farris spent 10 years with MRE Consulting, where he led implementation and system integration projects for Fortune 500 customers in financial and energy and commodity trading markets. Mr. Farris began his career in consulting at Arthur Andersen. Senior Vice President, Global Product Senior Vice President, Global Product Steve Nat is an accomplished executive with 25 years of experience leading technology organizations in the Energy and Financial Services industries. As Senior Vice President, Global Product, at Allegro, he is responsible for setting product strategy and delivering world-class Commodities Management solutions. Prior to joining Allegro, Mr. Nat served as Executive Director at JPMorgan, leading technology delivery for the North America Power and Gas Commodities franchise. Before joining JPMorgan, he served as Senior Director, Commodities Technology, at UBS. He has held leadership roles at influential corporations across multiple energy industry sectors, including Senior Technology Director at Enron, Technology Director at Dynegy, and Technology Manager at Tenneco. Mr. Nat began his career as a software engineer at Chevron. Jonathan English Senior Vice President, Global Sales Jonathan English Senior Vice President, Global Sales As Senior Vice President, Global Sales, Jonathan English is responsible for driving revenue across all of Allegros markets and regions, maintaining customer relationships and leading regional sales teams. Mr. English has been with Allegro since 2001. He began his career with the company as an Account Manager responsible for managing all existing customer accounts. In 2003, he became a Business Development Manager, working to grow license revenue and Allegros customer base. Mr. English also worked as a Solutions Director, where he demonstrated Allegros solutions to prospective customers, as the Business Development Director for North America and as a Global Accounts Director. Most recently, he was Managing Director, Europe, Middle East and Africa Asia-Pacific. Prior to Allegro, Mr. English held various sales roles at Union Carbide Corporation, and he worked as a Technology Consultant for a dot-com consulting firm. Michael Hinton Chief Customer Officer Senior Vice President, Products and Solutions Michael Hinton Chief Customer Officer Senior Vice President, Products and Solutions Michael Hinton is the Chief Customer Officer of Allegro. He is Allegros customer advocate throughout all aspects of the customer lifecycle. Mr. Hinton manages all interactions between Allegro and its customers ensuring each maximizes the value of their investment. Since joining Allegro in 1997, Mr. Hinton has held a number of significant cross-functional roles in sales, services and management. Most recently, as Chief Marketing Officer, he was responsible for increasing brand awareness across the industry while increasing market share. Before that, he was Vice President of Product Marketing, where he led a global team in support of Allegros field operations. Prior to joining Allegro, Mr. Hinton held general management positions with Independent Gas Companies (IGC), and Skelgas Inc. Paul French Chief Marketing Officer Paul French Chief Marketing Officer Paul French oversees Allegros marketing functions, including marketing strategy, lead generation, brand initiatives, product positioning, marketing measurement, campaigns, advertising, events and press and analyst relations. He brings more than 20 years of sales and executive management experience to his post. He was formerly Vice President of Marketing at Armor, Inc. a leader in cyber defense software. Prior to his time at Armor, Mr. French served as Vice President of Sales, Product Marketing and, most recently, Market Strategy, at Axway Software, a leader in software and services specializing in data flow. He also previously worked as Director of Sales for Sterling Commerce President and CEO of INGINIX Systems Corporation Sales Manager at Yahoo and Vice President of Sales for start-up software provider, Internet Reports. He holds a degree in business management from the University of Texas at Dallas. Senior Vice President, Global Services Senior Vice President, Global Services Rod Fomby is an industry veteran with over 20 years of professional services and consulting experience. He leads the firms global consulting and project management efforts with an eye toward ensuring high quality service delivery. Prior to joining Allegro, Mr. Fomby served as Managing Partner with EnFORM TechnologySunGard Consulting Services, where he was in charge of the North American Financial Services practice overseeing consulting and system integration projects for multiple clients. He also served as a Senior Manager for KPMG LLP ConsultingBearingPoint and was an IT Solutions Group Leader for Southwest Airlines. He began his career in 1991 working in the Energy Practice at Ernst Young. Mr. Fomby holds an MBA from the University of Texas at Arlington and a BBA from Texas Tech University. Randy Asire Vice President, Systems and Support Randy Asire Vice President, Systems and Support Randy Asire is responsible for Allegros systems and support, overseeing system administration and support. His specialists work closely with Allegro deployment teams on every project to ensure that customers legacy and existing systems integrate properly with the Allegro solution. Mr. Asire has more than 25 years of experience in a variety of roles in energy and other industries including chief technology officer, director of development, support manager, developer, and project manager. Global Managing Director, Agriculture Commodities Global Managing Director, Agriculture Commodities Joel embarked upon his career as a commodity broker and later went on to become the CEO of JustCommodity Software Solutions, the leading commodities trading and risk management software solutions provider in the agricultural commodity space in Asia. JustCommodity was acquired by US-based Allegro Development Corporation in June 2015 and Joel presently serves as Global Managing Director, Ags. Under his leadership, JustCommodity has won numerous awards including Singapore Enterprise 50, Deloitte Technology Fast 500 and the Red Herring Global 100 Award. Joel was conferred the Most Promising Entrepreneur of the Year by APEA in 2011 and the Young Professional of the Year in the IT leader awards in 2012. Joel has contributed as an adjunct lecturer for the International Trading Institute at the Singapore Management University since 2013. He received a Masters of Business Administration from Imperial College London. Get Started TodayAllegro improves visibility, risk management, compliance and profitability for upstream, midstream and downstream businesses and for integrated energy companies. Utilities Allegro is an integrated software product built for energy trading and scheduling, as well as for providing direct integration to the ISOs, OASIS, transmission system operators, regulatory entities and market data. Chemical Manufacturing Allegro is an integrated solution that delivers portfolio visibility, risk management, compliance and feedstock procurement capability for chemical manufacturing companies. Agriculture Allegro eases trade entry, streamlines logistics and improves tracking for a host of agriculture products, including oilseeds and grains. Built for your business With Allegro, you get forward-compatible, purpose-built, next-generation commodities trading and risk management architecture. Allegros CTRM software improves business visibility and margins, while reducing the costs of commodity trading and risk management software ownership. Allegros CTRM software is built for your business supporting the interaction, business processes and contextual differences among industries, multiple commodities and departments without requiring significant customization. Whether youre a crude oil trader, natural gas marketer or petrochemical risk manager, Allegro ensures youre always connected to the right information at the right time. Allegro has the broadest platform coverage to support your single - and multiple-commodity decisions. Gone is the need to run numerous CTRM software systems to support different parts of your portfolio, because Allegro eliminates the disconnected reports, the need for additional spreadsheets and the incremental risk. Position Visibilty The Competitive Advantage Allegros CTRM software is meant for companies operating along every point of the commodity spectrum, from production through consumption. Our software provides a comprehensive view of logistics, inventories, positions, contracts and profitability, and the functionality we offer can be deployed on-site or in the cloud. Plus, Allegro offers flexibility to tailor and extend our software with a highly configurable, open architecture, meaning new functionality can be implemented without a full upgrade cycle. For front, middle and back office teams, its simple, really: Allegro is the competitive advantage for your business. Industries Crude Oil Natural Gas With increasing complexity in local power and gas markets, shifting regulations and volatile energy trading markets, we needed a strategic partnership to help us support and automate the process related to energy management. - Javier Anzola, General Director of Liberalized Markets, E. ON Espana Weve been working with Allegro since 2008, using its platform to manage our hedging program to mitigate our fuel price risk. When the time came to upgrade our legacy fuel management system, it made sense for us to evaluate Allegros capabilities to manage our physical jet fuel business on an integrated platform. Choosing Allegro more closely aligns our initiatives to minimize business costs and maximize profits. - Bill Tiffany, Vice President of Supply Chain, Southwest Airlines We needed a centralized ETRM system to manage our energy trading business, and we selected the Allegro platform because we found it innovative, sophisticated and adaptable to our trading and risk management needs. We strongly believe that Allegros technology will help us achieve better portfolio, trade life cycle and risk management, which are ultimately our business goals. - Said Al Maawali, VP Petrochemicals and Business Development, Oman Trading International Before Allegro, we operated primarily on spreadsheets. Using Allegro has really helped us to highlight and pinpoint certain areas where we can do better, for example, credit exposure. If I could describe Allegro, I would say its scalable and innovative. It moves with our business. - Corey Terrance, Manager of IS Applications, EOG Resources Trusted for over 30 years At Allegro, we know companies who buy, sell, produce or consume commodities need insight, understanding and the ability to manage complex operations without having to rely on multiple systems and spreadsheets. After all, weve been working alongside our customers for more than three decades. If youre not taking advantage of Allegros comprehensive CTRM software and commodity risk management expertise, talk to us. Let us prepare you for the future of commodity management, today. Get Started Today